One More Week!

We now officially have only one week left before Christmas break. It’s just crazy how quickly time has been going. The weather has been all over the place which has made it interesting trying to figure out what to wear every day. We didn’t really do anything out of the ordinary…it was a pretty typical week for us.

A friend of ours recently returned from a work trip that took him to Japan. He brought home some Pokemon plushies for both the kids. I think it’s safe to say that Abigail loves hers.
Introducing her new one (which is on the cabinet) to her Pikachu.
Playing with her Pikachu and her Alolan Vulpix (I was trying to Google it to see what it was called and wasn’t having much luck, but then Joseph came downstairs and told me right away what it was, haha).
Joseph with his new Charizard (I knew that one, ha).
Guess who came to church with us last Sunday? 😀
All ready for church!
Slightly mischievous eyes there…
Greek yogurt goatee, haha.
Abigail’s favorite decoration that is on a neighbor’s roof. She always has to look for the pirate Santa when we’re walking.
I’ve wanted a Christmas sign for our entryway for a few years now, but never really came across one I liked…until now. I love it!
Normally I put a Santa picture on this frame (we usually go to Bass Pro’s Shop and see Santa there), but methinks a Santa visit is probably not in the cards this year (so.many.people makes it hard to get an appointment that’ll work with our schedule), so I had a picture printed up from last year…just a snapshot I took of them when they were sitting together on the recliner while wearing their Christmas jammies. These are my babies! 😍
She came home on Thursday just covered in chalk. I had about twenty minutes before my students were due to arrive, so I got her into the tub and cleaned up in record time, haha.
She decorated her gingerbread man to look like her favorite book character, Skye (from Paw Patrol…which is a show, but luckily they also have books). I’m so grateful for a computer, printer, and husband who can quickly find a coloring page that has the perfect-sized head. 😁
Yesterday when we left to drop Joseph off for school, it was 68°. It eventually got up to 83°. Crazy weather…
She had a rather hard end to her school week last week and it kind of continued into the beginning of her week this week (so.many.rules and let’s be honest…sharing is HARD, y’all…especially when you’re four and your brother is ten and you haven’t really had to share because you have completely different toys, but now all of a sudden there are new toys at school and other people your age who are also interested in those new toys…). She was able to work really hard and got happy faces in her folder for Wednesday, Thursday, and yesterday…so yesterday afternoon, I told her she earned some ice cream…she asked if she could have chocolate syrup and whipped cream on top and I readily complied. She earned it!
I don’t know it is, but this sight makes me happy…maybe it’s the warm lights, maybe it’s the Christmas lights, or maybe it’s just the overall warmth of the space…I love where we live!
This is the dinosaur she picked from the prize box yesterday at school. I was chilling on the couch when I heard her say, “You woke us up from our nap! We’re going to get you now!” I looked down in time to see her making her Barrel O’ Monkeys monkeys attack the dinosaur. Never a dull moment, y’all…I’m telling you.
Today has been chilly, so long pants and a sweatshirt were required in order to play outside.
She loves to swing…as long as someone is constantly doing underdogs, that is. I had just done an underdog and snapped this picture…right as she asked me for another one, haha.

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