Bring on the Christmas Cheer!

This past week the kids went back to school after a week-long break (Monday was a bit tough for everybody, I think). We kind of just pushed through the week. Last night we went to see the Christmas lights at the zoo. I think Abigail had the most fun. This is the first year that I think Joseph didn’t have as much fun as before, but he is ten now. He might be getting too old for it. As for Paul and me, we were both run a little ragged trying to keep up with Abigail, haha. I think it was still a good family outing, though.

Playing with her Little People nativity.
I love the view that I have while walking every day!
I really liked this view…there’s something kind of cool about the old fence and the prickly pear cactus.
I found some really neat balloons for the kids.
She was pretty happy when Paul blew it up.
I love this sight! You can also see Joseph’s balloon. I blew that one up and just about passed out, haha. It was hard getting the air to go down past each bump.
I used my hand-pie maker to make pizza hand-pies. I had some leftover dough after I made one for each of our family members, so I flattened it out, piled a bunch of toppings on, topped it with more cheese, and baked it along with the rest.
Look! Fall leaves!
A mix of green and fall leaves.
This one is completely decked out!
I love big, poofy clouds…especially when they block the sun while I’m out walking. 😉
It was crazy sweater day for school. I found one for Joseph, but couldn’t find one for Abigail (luckily she was happy with the Minnie Mouse one that had been in her closet, waiting for her to grow into).
Sporting her Minnie Mouse sweatshirt.
He was so happy I found a video game one!
My wood nativity is a music box (you wind up the star) that plays “Silent Night”. Abigail brought her little Baby Jesus from her Little People nativity set over, set him down, and asked me to wind up the music so that her Baby Jesus could hear the music. Hoo-boy. Yes, sweet girl, I will totally do that (and probably ugly-cry a bit while thinking of that sweet baby boy who was the Savior of the world).
I was stopped at a stop light and did a double-take when I saw…
…this guy tied to the truck’s handle.
Family selfie at the Zoo Lights!
The challenge of trying to take a picture of two kids…at least they’re both facing the camera.
On the carousel.
I almost cropped this picture, but decided to keep it…it’s real life, haha.
There was a Santa at the zoo. Luckily they were fine with us taking a picture with our phones because the “photo package” was $44. Uh, no thanks!
In Santa’s sleigh…
I love these two!
Climbing on the hippos.
She kept saying “Cheese!” but also kept looking away from the camera. 😀
Still working on continuously looking at the camera, haha.
This was in a cool light-up tunnel…that happened to not be lit up right as I snapped the picture, haha. Oh well…at least the kids and the snowman are cute. 😉
She really liked this tree.
I really liked that they wrapped the live oaks with lights…and the light-up jaguar was cool, too.
I spent this morning baking for two reasons: a) we have friends coming over tonight and b) I had pie crust dough, pie filling, and bananas that needed to have something done with them, so I made blueberry hand pies and some mini banana bread loaves.

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