Another One for the Books

Weekly Happenings: This past week was pretty much just as the title says: another one for the books. We really didn’t do anything out of the ordinary and just sort of plugged along. The Weekly Weather: It’s been rather warm (high 90s into low 100s) and muggy. Typical June-almost July weather for us, really. What […]

Happy Daddy’s Day!

Weekly Happenings: We had a pretty quiet week this past week. The weather has been sort of…oppressive. Due to that, we spent most of our time indoors. There was one day where Joseph had a friend over to play, but other than that (and getting to meet up with a friend from high school who […]

Another Milestone Moment

Weekly Happenings: We survived our first full week of summer vacation, haha. I don’t think I quite realized just how much time was eaten up by dropping Joseph off at pre-k, having him there for a few hours, and then going to pick him up until we weren’t doing it anymore! We’ve been eating up […]