Well, not OFFICIALLY officially since it isn’t June 20th yet, but this past Thursday was the last day of school for the kids and then Friday was my last day. We’re going to soak it all in as best we can. Joseph came down with strep throat on Saturday, so he’s been feeling pretty awful. It wasn’t his idea of the best way to ring in summer vacation, but he’s got antibiotics now, so hopefully he’ll be feeling better pretty soon. Abigail starts summer school on Wednesday for 2.5 weeks (and also swim lessons starting next Monday) which are half day. Once she’s done with that, it will be about time for Joseph to do church camp and band camp. Then they’ll have a couple weeks off while I squeeze in some trainings and then we’re back to school mid-August. It’s all going to keep us quite busy. I’m also going to try to squeeze in some fun things once Joseph gets to feeling better (fingers crossed that the rest of us don’t get it…especially Abigail since it seems like antibiotics hit her hard and she HATES taking them). I just have a few pictures this time around: some of our garden and some of end of school things. I neglected to take a “last day of school” picture of either child (sorry, society), but trust me, they were happy. 🙂
Here we have (left-right): tomatoes (cherry and larger ones; the fencing helps discourage the birds), the solar drip lines that Paul set up (basically the solar panel powers a pump system to pump water from the buckets and into the drip lines; all we have to do is keep the buckets full of water), bell peppers, and more tomatoes.This is a rogue pumpkin plant that decided to pop up here. We’re…going to see what happens. There isn’t much room.More tomatoes and some gypsy bell peppers (in the center). We keep getting mice and rats (another reason for the fencing around those other tomatoes) coming into our yard (probably from next door since the people there rarely mow their lawn), so Paul has taken to putting the ripening veggies into plastic bags to ripen a bit more before picking them. You can see one on one of the bell peppers.The more…mature pumpkin plant and my salvia. Also, a shed that Paul is assembling to house the wooden Christmas trees (you can see one in the picture) that he made quite a few years ago to use as decorations for one of the entrances to our neighborhood. We have quite a few, so Paul is going to store them in that shed.Our mint!She’s been asking to go out riding, which has been tough since it’s been stupidly hot. Paul managed to squeeze in some time one evening, though.Steadying her and giving her some oomph to get going. He’s such a good daddy!Every year, the graduating students that once attended the elementary school come back and do a senior walk. They got the middle school band kids that also attended the elementary school to come and play “Pomp and Circumstance” for the seniors to walk to . They paraded around the school twice, so I got to see my awesome percussionist several times.My last day of school shirt. 😀Wearing these (the bottom three, at least) one last time (well, who knows, maybe I’ll wear them next year as a reminder). The bottom three were made for me by three of my students. I love how much of a relationship I built with those kiddos. It was really hard to give them goodbye hugs on Thursday. The top one was given to me by one of my awesome coworkers. I had such an awesome team this year! There were times of stress and frustration, but I would like to think we came out stronger on the other side.One last picture of my room. Luckily, since I will be in the same room next year, I didn’t have to pack absolutely everything. I did have to put quite a bit of it away, though…but if you’re wondering where it went……I have pretty good stacking skills. I attribute it to all those years of playing Tetris. 😉We took the kids to Peter Piper Pizza and after we ate, Joseph made a beeline for this game.Before playing this round, he was happy to see that his record was still on the top of the leaderboard even though we hadn’t been there for several months. As you can see, he made it onto the leaderboard once again. He’s got coordination that I’m never going to have, haha.