Weekly Happenings: This was our last week of summer vacation before school starts (virtually) on Monday. We went to the zoo, hung around the house, did a drive-through Meet the Teacher, and just relaxed because we know that from here on out, it’s going to be back to business as usual.
The Weekly Weather: It’s really been a mixed bag. We’ve had random storms come through (and by random, I mean they weren’t showing up on my weather app until it was actually raining…and then the app would update and all of a sudden show rain, haha). The only time it was really irritating was when I walked out of the grocery store with a cart full of bagged groceries only to find it raining…that was a fun run. I am grateful for the rain, though…we always need it!
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s finished and installed Joseph’s bed! It was a big job, but so worth it. Joseph has a really cool set-up in there now. Other than that, he’s been busy at work (as usual). This next week will be a work from home week, which I’m grateful for, since it’ll be Joseph’s first week of distance learning. It’ll be nice having my resident IT guy here to help with any technology hiccups.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I took the kids to the zoo and then did a bit of organizing. I had a gigantic pile of stuff in our room that I’ve been meaning to donate but haven’t had a chance to. That pile was giving me major anxiety (I’m kind of anti-pile), so one morning, I loaded it all up into the back of the car and hauled it off to the donation station. It felt really good to get rid of it all! I’ve also washed all of Joseph and Abigail’s new clothes and gotten them into their drawers.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He has been soaking up every last minute of this last official week of summer vacation. He enjoyed getting to meet his teacher and finding out more about how things are going to be for the first little bit of school.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She has really gotten used to Joseph being home. It might be a little rough come Monday when Joseph needs to be doing school instead of being able to play with her. She didn’t really understand it last year when Joseph was home but not able to play (and she really didn’t like that she was closed out of his room). Hopefully Joseph will be able to go into his classroom after Labor Day…because that’s the type of schedule that Abigail is used to when I say that Joseph is doing school. 😉
This Week in Pictures: