Weekly Happenings: This past week was pretty standard. We went to the park (quite a bit during the beginning of the week since we knew it would be stormy the rest of the week), played with Legos, Mega Bloks, and Duplos, and hung around the house when it was stormy. It was a pretty low-key week.
The Weekly Weather: As I eluded to earlier, it was nice during the first part of the week. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were sort of wet days. It would rain a bit and then stop. Late Friday night it started to rain and it just didn’t stop. It continued to rain through most of Saturday, not really letting up until the late afternoon. After that, the wind picked up and blew all night. It’s still kind of breezy, but other than the smattering of sprinkles we had this morning, it’s pretty much dried out. I’m glad it wasn’t too bad. We were basically getting the very edge Hurricane Patricia which hit Mexico this weekend. I haven’t read up on the news how Mexico faired. It was supposed to be a very strong storm.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been keeping really busy with school and work. It’s hard for me to remember that he needs to have time to do some homework every night. We’re super proud of him for working so hard to do this. I know it’s not easy to go to work all day and then get home just to do more work of a different kind (I remember doing that while completing my student teaching). I know that he can make it, though, because I know how hard of a worker he is.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’ve mainly been trying to find ways to keep Joseph entertained. We’ve had quite a few play dates this past week, along with normal stuff like story time at the library and playing around the house. I’ve also been continuing with my piano teaching and working on stuff for visiting teaching and choir. It’s hard to believe that Christmas is literally two months from today. I did get to go out on my own a couple of times, for book club and a baby shower. It was nice to get out with friends and have a bit of a brain break from the stresses of the day.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s enjoyed playing with friends (pretending to be superheroes, having play dates, etc.), playing with me (there was one time he walked up to me with his protective goggles on, carrying his plastic hammer and saw, and asked if I “needed anything hammered or sawed”), and just having fun in general. Today was the Primary Program at church (the kids each had a part to say in front of the congregation and also sung songs as a group that they have been practicing all year). Joseph did a really good job (he had a short, one-line part: “I love Jesus because he gave me my family.”; basically the Primary president asked him why he loved Jesus and that was his answer, so that was his part). He had his part memorized and he said it in the microphone without yelling, which is good. 🙂 He sung the parts of each of the songs that he knew and kept Paul and me in stitches with his antics in between songs (most of the kids his age were done sitting still after about 10 minutes, so their awesome teachers had quite the job trying to keep them all still). He wasn’t particularly disruptive, but he would occasionally hang over the stand while singing and sometimes sang the songs using what we could tell were silly voices because he had silly looks on his face. Typical 4YO behavior. 🙂
This Week in Pictures: