This past week was relatively normal. Abigail asked if we could put up Halloween decorations and it really didn’t take much convincing. I love Halloween! I feel like it’s the kick-off of the holiday season which is full of so much joy, excitement, and family time. With the holidays comes (somewhat) cooler weather, which is always appreciated. I’ve noticed a bit of a crispness in the air as we walk to school in the mornings which feels so nice! Oh, one funny story about Abigail: she had a bit of a rough night a couple nights ago because of having a few bad dreams. As I was getting her settled the last time, she looked at me with her face full of seriousness and said, “Hey Mom, did you know that it’s never safe to swim with sharks…even if you’re invisible…because if you’re invisible, as soon as you kick your legs, there will be bubbles that the shark can see…and he’ll get you.” I assured her that I had no plans of ever swimming with sharks or even of trying to become invisible. That girl! I never know what will come out of her mouth…even at 4:11 in the morning.
My piano decorations. I simply flip the center pumpkins around (to hide the words on the white ones and to reveal the witch on the orange one), add my “BOO” blocks, and put up a few spiders here and there.The sign for our entry-way.Our count-down. I love the little saying on it!My Halloween pillow, Abigail’s spider that she made in pre-k (the eyes are my favorite), and my giant Zero plush. This is a fun corner!Our Happy Halloween sign!The centerpiece for the dining room table. 🙂Abigail loves the ghost lights.I love the pumpkin lights…especially when all the other lights are out. They end up casting a kind of cozy glow then (not so much in this picture, since I took it during the day).Abigail’s skeleton dog and the spiderweb decoration that I’m pretty sure we’ve had our entire marriage rounded out this part of the house.Fake spiderwebs, a jack-o’-lantern, and some Nightmare Before Christmas decor add some spooky to this corner.It’s always fun to spiderweb up the bookshelves. 🙂I added the kids’ jack-o’-lanterns, a spider, and my witch books to the area under the TV.My witch-broom!I originally bought this as an outdoor decoration a few years ago, but decided it was too lightweight to be outside. I like it better in this spot.One of my favorite lyrics from Nightmare Before Christmas. I put it up every year.I found these mini pumpkins at Hobby Lobby. I think they look rather realistic, don’t you? I like that they are like Cinderella pumpkins (a bit misshapen and flatter), which are my favorite pumpkins. When Halloween is over, I’ll put away the kids’ jack-o’-lanterns and spread the pumpkins out along the top of the shelf.Our inflatable vampire Snoopy.It’s got a light inside so that it’s easier to see at night.He and Abigail are best buddies. 🙂I went to a Hocus Pocus 2 movie watching party at a friend’s house last night and brought some spooky treats. These witch hats were so easy to make. I just put some icing on top of an Oreo and then stuck a Hershey’s kiss on it. Ta-dah!These were also easy to make. I made some mini brownies (I have a pan that makes individual mini brownies) and then used more icing to stick on sugar eyeballs. It rose the spooky factor ten-fold. 🙂