Bonus Blog Post: A Great Way to Chase Away the Winter “Blahs”.

Since Monday was a holiday, we kept with our annual tradition of attending the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. We saw a lot of animals and Joseph rode a lot of rides. Since it was a holiday, it was a “Dollar Day” which meant admission was only a dollar for each of us (Abigail was free). It also meant that each ride only cost one ticket to ride. Overall, it was a pretty fun day. Paul let Joseph take along our old digital camera, so some of these pictures were his. 🙂

Joseph shot: Waiting to leave for the rodeo.
Joseph shot: Excited to be at the rodeo!
Paul shot: By the welcome sign.
Joseph shot: He wanted another picture by the sign so that Paul was in a picture by it.
Paul shot: She’s all about hats.
Joseph shot: She’s always willing to ham it up for her brother.
Joseph shot: He really liked this display wagon.
Joseph shot: He also really liked this tractor. It’s his favorite color, after all.
Paul shot: Our chick checking out the other chicks.
Paul shot: Abigail was ridiculously excited to see real cows.
Joseph shot: He thought the calf was pretty cute. I have to agree with him.
Paul shot: Joseph was a bit disappointed he only got “gallon of milk” (you yanked on the rope and it told you what weight you could lift). I reassured him it was pretty good for a seven year old to be able to lift a gallon of milk.
Paul shot: “Moo”ing in front of the longhorns.
Joseph shot: The sand art that was dispersed about different places was rather impressive.
Paul shot: They both loved the petting zoo.
Paul shot: Abigail loved that she was allowed to pet the goats.
Paul shot: She wanted to make sure each one got petted.
Paul shot: Joseph thought the wallabies were pretty cool.
Paul shot: There were a couple of mazes that Joseph went through. This one was all clear, so he said it was pretty tricky.
Paul shot: Joseph loves this slide.
Paul shot: He has to ride it every year.
Paul shot: He had so much fun that…
Paul shot:…he had to go again.
Paul shot: Giving Dad a “thumbs-up”.
Paul shot: I’m glad he went on this one by himself. It looks like one that would have made me ill, haha.
Paul shot: Joseph also really liked the swings.
Paul shot: They do look rather fun.
Paul shot: Joseph said he kept tripping trying to do this.
Joseph shot: A cool cowboy statue that he and Paul stumbled across while I was off changing Abigail.

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