Weekly Happenings: We had a relatively fun week, last week. We had friends over for dinner (and playing afterwards), we went to Story Time, we had an adventure at the grocery store (more about that later), we played at the park, we decorated for Halloween, we introduced Joseph even further to the wonderful world that is LEGOS, and we have enjoyed (and are still enjoying) General Conference.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been relatively nice. The weather (especially the last few days) is slowly becoming milder. I think we’re only supposed to be getting into the very low 90s over the next little bit. I’m hoping that it will cool down even more before Halloween because it will just feel more…Halloween-y. 🙂
What Paul’s Been Up To: His first week with the IT department at work has gone well. We’re grateful that the government did not shut down, because that means that he’ll still be working and also still be getting paid. He also is doing well with his college classes. We did go and find him a used computer monitor so that he could have the benefit of two monitors (making it possible for him to have multiple programs open and visible at the same time). We think that it will be a good thing that will make things much easier for him.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Now more about my grocery store adventure. I had been noticing that the Mazda had been acting a little rough when starting, but I had not had the chance to think about possibilities of why it was doing so. Well, on Wednesday morning, Joseph and I loaded up, got to the store, got our groceries, paid for them, loaded them into the car…and then the car wouldn’t start. To its credit, it gave a few valiant efforts, which led me to believe it was the battery, and not the starter (especially since we just surpassed the three year mark with it and batteries usually last between two and five years). I called Paul at work to, more than anything, see if he could come rescue the groceries (and us, since I always feel better when he’s with me in those situations). I then called the roadside assistance for our insurance (since I was pretty sure that jumps were covered and would not be an additional cost). The guy got there pretty quick (which was good since Joseph and I were already kind of sweltering in the Texas sun) and was able to start it right away, so I had Paul meet me at home. We unloaded the groceries and headed over to Walmart to get a new battery installed. Luckily, they were able to do so quickly (about thirty minutes), so Paul didn’t have to lose too much of his work time (he mainly followed me to Walmart to ensure that the car made it there). After that adventure, the rest of the week was pretty tame.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He enjoyed playing with friends and going to Story Time, but he really enjoyed putting up Halloween decorations. While we were hanging up lights, he was out with us, wearing a witch’s hat, swinging around a plastic jack o’lantern bucket, hollering at the top of his lungs that Halloween was here. 🙂 He also really enjoyed getting some more LEGOS to play with. The LEGO store was having a deal where you could fill up a cup with an assortment of random LEGOS for a certain amount of money. We’ve been wanting to get him random LEGOS that weren’t part of a certain kit so that he could use his imagination to build stuff (instead of an instruction booklet…especially since those are still a bit out of his comprehension). He has been playing with them for the majority of the weekend. It’s been great! He also enjoyed watching the Mormon Tabernacle Choir during conference today. He noted that “the guys are singing the low notes and the girls are singing the high notes.” Smart cookie. 😉
This Week in Pictures: