Warning: Several Selfies Ahead (but also some pictures of the kids)
This past week held some fun stuff. I got some new, fun jewelry which I tried out with pieces I already had (hence all the selfies, because it was fun to try it all out) and got to hang out with my girlfriends one evening (which was MUCH needed). The kids were excited about the school trunk-or-treat and today we went to the zoo and to check out the dragons one last time (it closes tomorrow). Paul even got to do something fun, too: he’s at the movies with a friend seeing a movie which he knew I would probably have minimal interest in. Oh, and both kids got haircuts this week, which they were both super-excited about.
My new pretties. I would say it’s mid-grade jewelry (which makes it affordable enough for me to be able to get a few different pieces at once). It definitely isn’t costume jewelry, but it isn’t quite fine jewelry, either. They do use gold and silver, but it’s electroplated. Having said that, it is all nickle-free, so I can still wear it without it bugging my skin.This is the only set I got. I love the simplicity of it!These are just plain fun! I love that they match the really pretty turtle necklace that Paul got me when he was on his work trip to California.These are just plain fun. I like the earthy look they have, so I tried pairing them with a wood necklace I’ve had since Joseph was a baby (in fact, I’m pretty sure I had a hard time keeping him from teething on it, if we’re going to be honest). School trunk-or-treat! Abigail was Anna (specifically from Frozen 2) and Joseph was the Miles Morales Spider-Man (I’ve lost track of how many different Spider-Mans there are, haha). She wanted to take a picture of us. She also had a reeeaallly hard time trying to resist touching my earrings. I was a little afraid she’d accidentally be too heavy-handed and my ears would get tugged too hard…but once I told her she could touch them with one finger, she did really well.I kind of felt like I was channeling the 1960s or 1970s with the combo of the fringe earrings and my ginormous sunglasses, ha.At the book fair a month or so ago, Joseph opted to pre-order a new book that wasn’t available to buy yet. It was finally delivered to the school this past week, so he dived right in as soon as he got home with it. I love that he still loves reading!!!!I got some new workout headbands, so I gave my old one to wear. I think she was just a little excited.It was actually chilly enough that we put our headbands over our ears to keep them warm. Fall is slowly but surely coming!This is where I spend a lot of my time, it seems. Between dropping Joseph off at school in the morning, going home, taking Abigail to school in the early afternoon, coming back to get them at the end of the school day…there’s a lot of car time.We had friends over for game night, so I decided to give my rice crispy treats a Halloween twist: enter green food coloring!Abigail got a bang trim and……the stylist put in a quick braid and a sparkly clip. After a bit, Abigail wanted the clip out (it was right where she would rest her head against her car seat, so I can understand why), but she left the braid in all day. I was even able to replicate it when it got too messy and she wanted it fixed.Abigail’s Halloween spider. An apple craft and another spider craft. I love the cute things they do in the early grades!Pile o’ otters!The zoo finally got the funding to finish the jaguar sky walk. It connects the old jaguar enclosure to another enclosure that used to be for something else (I can’t remember what used to be there). This makes their enclosure waaay bigger, which is good for animals that prefer to be solitary most of the time.A fun part of living in San Antonio: a ton of Dia De Los Muertos stuff pops up in October. I love all the vibrant colors and I really love all the symbolism and importance placed on family bonds.When we were driving to the zoo, Abigail told me that this is where she wanted to go. It’s a boat that has steering wheels in it that the kids can climb around on and play in. It’s in a place called the Tiny Tot Nature Spot and she loves it. I couldn’t get over just how pretty it was today, too!I love this kid!!I chilled in the quiet while the kids played. It was awesome!Spot the turtles!The zoo’s hay maze. I think the last couple of storms did a number on the bales, though. The dragons were a little loud for her (some of the dragons had speakers next to them playing dragon noises). She got to pet a “unicorn” (do you see the horn on the sweet pony?). It was the chillest pony I’ve seen.Joseph and an “arctic” dragon.I barely missed it, but right before I took this picture, she was holding her hands up to the “fire” to warm them up. I love her imagination!He’s so much happier with shorter hair!This is the Mexican heather plant that almost died in the big freeze this past February. In fact, I pretty much cut it completely back. This is how much it’s grown back. It’s a bit lopsided, because that’s where the new part decided to grow. I’m hoping it will put some shoots out in the bare spots this next spring. If it can do that, it might look more like my other one……which is this one. We got this one in the spring. I have this one and the other one flanking the tomato plant in our back yard. I love the vibrant purple and green!