The Aftermath of Christmas and a Baptism Day!

The time between getting home from our California vacation and now kind of feels like a blur. A lot has happened in that time frame: we finally got Christmas put away (inside took longer than outside since we were limited on our free time due to work and other constraints), Abigail got baptized, and we had Snow Day 2025 (today). Enjoy!

Showing off a unicorn headband she got as a treasure box prize.
Before the baptism. This is the look I get when I ask her to smile.
I’ve found that if I keep clicking, I eventually get a good one of her looking at the camera.
Proud big brother!
In front of the font.
I’m glad I snapped this candid shot of her contemplating the ordinance that was about to take place. She was SO excited!
Capturing personalities. 🙂
Almost got everyone looking at the camera…
…there we go!
When we were at Mom’s, we found a set of scriptures that were probably hers on her mission with Dad. After checking with siblings, we decided to take them home and give them to Abigail for her baptism. Now she has a little bit of Grandma with her all the time.
Finding all the hidden pictures in her Shine-a-Light Dinosaur book.
Paul hung up the awesome puzzle my friend put together, framed, and gifted me for Christmas.
He also hung up the cool piano lessons sign my mom made when she started advertising that she was teaching as well as the needlepoint that she did.
I can remember sitting next to her on the couch as she worked away at this.
Paul bought new bedding for our bed…it’s so pretty!
This was me when Paul told me he was going to take my picture…as he was bringing me dinner after I had just gotten out of a training and realized there was stuff I needed to do in my classroom that couldn’t be done the next morning…I think I finally got home about 7:30 that night. Oof.
So, I got these ears at Universal Studios with the thought that I could wear them to entice my students to not chit-chat so much (basically, if they are not quiet, I take off the ears and they lose 50 of the points that they are trying to steal from me so that they can have Fun Friday). Well, I completely forgot I was wearing them and NOBODY in the halls said anything until the STEM teacher was like, “Oh! I love your ears!” You know you work in an elementary school when something like this happens, haha.
Chilly nights are meant for popcorn, hot chocolate, and board games.
Our shelving unit was getting overfilled with games, so Paul bought another one. Now it looks so much better!
This is the other one. I pulled some games out of the bins we have in the living room so now the ones we play the most are out.
Paul made stew yesterday. The meat was venison from a deer he hunted and the potatoes are from our garden.
There’s something rewarding about a meal where key components are things that you either procured (without a store) or grew. I made rolls (not pictured because I already have a ton of roll pictures, haha) that I felt very accomplished about as well.
The first “dusting of snow” picture: the cats we are feeding ventured out to get food and probably decided to hunker back down (Paul thinks they’re hanging out under his office shed).
We got an email last night cancelling school in preparation for crazy weather. This is what our part of San Antonio got.
Being reminded that snow is, indeed, frozen water.
The teen even ventured out into it.
Not much came down.
Scraping snow off the slide (they discovered that scraping it from the ground just meant…muddy snow.
Getting ready to try to throw some at Joseph…
…but it wouldn’t stay together.
I guess this is what they mean when they talk about fresh powder.
Look at that stink face, haha.
Documenting Snow Day 2025…and trying to figure out how I was going to combine two lesson plans into one for tomorrow so that I don’t fall behind.
He figured out that getting a big handful and then vigorously brushing it towards her was more effective than trying to throw it. That’s a GT mind at work, haha.
Right before they decided they were done. I think we made it about 20 minutes. 😛
It was all gone by lunch time.
I decided that as a reward for successfully figuring out a way to merge two days worth of lesson plans into one (without losing too much content), I would put up Valentine’s Day decorations.
I know I’m early, but it makes me happy and I don’t know when I will have another day as wide open as today was…and yes, that is a Halloween countdown. It stays out all year long because once Halloween passes, I switch it to Christmas (the sign flips)…and then back to Halloween. 😛

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