This past Sunday was Halloween. At first, I was on the fence about still doing all the fun Halloween stuff because we normally try to make Sundays a little different than the other days of the week, but after discussing it with Paul, we decided that all the fun stuff is really family-oriented, so it would be fine to still do it all. The kids had a blast and it was a fun night. The rest of the week was kind of a regular week without too much out of the ordinary happening. We’ve had a couple really cold days which were a nice change from the warmer weather. Today, I decided we needed to get out of the house, so I took the kids out to Buc-ee’s (Paul is in Houston for the weekend, at a Libertarian convention, so filling up our day with fun stuff was a must).
She begged to play games with him, and he conceded.He really is a patient big brother……especially when she ends up practically in his lap. 😀Pumpkin painting! Abigail did rainbow colors (we went back in later and I added faces to each block of color).Joseph did a bee from one of his favorite games: Bee Swarm Simulator.The finished products!All ready to go trick-or-treating! Abigail is Anna from Frozen 2 and Joseph is a master-chief from the video game, Halo (he doesn’t have the game, since it’s really intended for kids a bit older than he is, but he really liked the costume). We handed out full-sized candy bars and chips this year. We wanted to make sure the kids that came around had a good haul in case not too many people were giving out treats because of the ongoing pandemic.They’re off! I had a hard time keeping up with Abigail, but she was really good about stopping and waiting before she got too far ahead.The kids love seeing the “Charlie Brown” house every year. I’m friends with the owner (you can see him in the background, actually) and we’ve loved watching each other’s kids grow up. <3One house had these cut-outs that Abigail just had to try.Augh! It’s vampire Abigail! 😉Paul was able to project It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown onto a screen out front to play while trick-or-treaters came around. I love it!Hamburger soup! The only ingredients not here are the ground beef (it was already cooking in the pot) and the beef broth that made it soup. 😀I love looking out of my kitchen and seeing the early evening light coming in and casting fun shadows into the room!Paul found Joseph’s old Link costume. Abigail couldn’t wait to put it on when she discovered it in the dress-up stuff.I went on an afternoon walk and the weather was just gorgeous!Abigail begged to walk Joseph to school one morning. It was still dark when we left, so we brought the flashlight along. I worried about Abigail getting too far ahead while it was dark, so I actually used the flashlight as a large laser pointer and had her chase the spot, just like a cat, haha.A cold front came in, which meant I needed to dig out my cozy slippers…I couldn’t complain about my view though (or the weather, really…I love cooler weather).I had to snap another selfie to document the difference between this day and the other day…it was about a twenty-five degree difference!I wanted a new blanket basket (my old one had gotten a bit beaten up by a little girl who liked to pretend to be a turtle *sigh*). I couldn’t find another large one that I liked enough for the prices they were wanting for them, but I found these two smaller ones on sale, so I just bought them both and split up my blankets.I love the black and white gingham combined with the burlap! I’ve decided I’m going to leave out the gingham garland that is above the fireplace and on the table (I had originally meant for them to be part of the fall decorations, but I think they are pretty neutral), so these will be good year-round baskets. 🙂 This might be my new favorite picture of these two.I love finding them like this!