Weekly Happenings: I’ve decided the week after a “short” week (Paul had two days off the week before this last one because of the holiday) is the longest week, ever, haha. It’s probably due to the fact that we didn’t do very much, but it seemed like the weekend would never get to us! I tried to set up a few play dates for Joseph to fill up our days. Other than that, we pretty much just plugged along.
The Weekly Weather: Warm, humid, and dry with a few rainstorms mixed in. When we were getting ready to go out to dinner last night, we could tell a storm was rolling in. It hit right after we got into the restaurant and was strong enough that the power went out, briefly, several times. It ended up dumping quite a bit of water on us (the other storms were very light…just smatterings of rain).
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been kept quite busy with work and school (he’s approaching the final week of his semester, so that always entails extra work).
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’ve mainly just plugged along…keeping the small fry of the household happy.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: The big thing that happened for him this past week was that he lost another tooth! It was really, really loose (not to mention that the adult tooth was already growing in behind it). I was watching him wiggle it and told him I wouldn’t be surprised if he were able to just pull it out at that point. He surprised me (he’s shown great trepidation about tooth-pulling) by reaching in to attempt it. He pulled, just a bit, and his tooth came right out! He was excited to get to put it in a container for the tooth fairy to come and get. She left him two quarters, which he was excited about as well.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: The big thing that happened this past week was that another tooth broke through! She now has both her center bottom teeth growing in. She also spent some time perfecting her bouncing in the bouncer and learning to navigate the walker (so far she’s mostly gone backwards, but yesterday she was able to go forwards a bit before getting herself stuck).
This Week in Pictures:

Bonus Video: Abigail bouncing