Weekly Happenings: This past week was rather average for us. We pretty much just stuck to our routine. It’s nice to have weeks like this, though. It makes the crazy weeks more fun (and bearable, haha).
The Weekly Weather: As is typical in Texas, the weather was all over the place. We had cool days, warm days (the kids were even in shorts one day), and downright cold days (I’m talking a twenty degree drop overnight).
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been busy at work and busy helping to plan activities for the young men (male youth ages 12-17 at church).
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Aside from my typical routine, I did get to go out with some girlfriends for dinner. It was nice to get out of the house for some girl time. 🙂
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He celebrated his 100th day of school this year (it’s hard to believe we’re at this point of the year). He also celebrated losing yet another tooth. He and Abigail were crawling through the play tunnel at the same time and she bumped into him, knocking out his already really wiggly tooth. He left a really awesome note for the tooth fairy (pictured below) who was luckily able to fulfill his request. 🙂
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She got new shoes since her old ones all of a sudden didn’t fit anymore. She also enjoyed getting to play with a friend at our house yesterday. It’s fun to see her interact with other kids a bit more. She still plays independently a lot which is normal for her age), but she loves it when friends come over.
This Week in Pictures:
She got a pair of boots from a friend of mine who’s niece couldn’t wear them.To say that she was excited would be an understatement, haha.A sampling of our crazy weather. It’s no wonder we get really good at layering!This boy sure loves pickle juice! I let him have a little out of the jar, since he begged me. I didn’t let him have a whole lot since I didn’t want him getting a gut ache!These two love taking “selfies”.Abigail really likes to push the button.She gets a kick out of seeing herself.I sure love this little cutie!She has a sense of style that is ALL her own. I claim none of it, haha.100th day of school means another shirt with 100 different Pokemon!He wanted to make sure Abigail was included in the picture taking.All dressed for the day. I love the grown-up looking clothes that I can find for her. Not everything has some crazy cartoon character on it.Playing with the Minnie Mouse phone she got using some of her Christmas money.I’ve wanted to get a newborn picture of Abigail up onto our living room wall for a while now (to complement the one we have of Joseph).I chose this one because the love that is pouring out of Joseph’s soul for his sister just makes me catch my breath.“Dear Tooth Fairy I’ve grown a lot right? My currency is GX (Pokemon) cards. I’m writing this letter to know if you are real tap a dot on this letter note plz (please) be truthful! P.S. I’m 7.” The tooth fairy dotted his page and made good on the delivery!Thoroughly enjoying a fresh homemade chocolate chip cookie.