Weekly Happenings: It’s sort of hard for me to grasp the fact that we’re already halfway through July. This past week was pretty average as far as weeks go. I had a doctor’s appointment where I got to hear the baby’s heartbeat (and got advice from my doctor on how to combat the crazy heartburn/indigestion that I’ve been fighting). I also took Joseph to meet up with friends at the pool, which he enjoyed immensely. The highlight of the week was most definitely the past few days. We decided to purchase a small above-ground pool (complete with a filter). It was delivered on Thursday and Paul got it all set up yesterday. While he was setting it up, the heat and humidity started to get to him and he almost got heat stroke. Thankfully he recognized the early symptoms (which developed incredibly fast) and was able to get inside where he could instruct me in how to help him cool off. It left him drained, but okay. Joseph and I were able to enjoy the pool (a great distraction for Joseph while Paul was doing homework) and discovered that what I already knew was true for black widows is apparently true for other spiders as well: they can hold their breath. I saw a {thankfully} smaller grass spider SWIMMING UNDER THE WATER and it didn’t look like it was struggling at all. Ick. I was able to scoop it out and dump it over the side.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been pretty much the same: warm, humid, and no rain. We had a few days where the humidity level actually dipped below 50% (almost unheard of in the summer), making the mornings slightly cool-ish with a breeze, which was nice.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s begun working on final projects and getting stuff wrapped up for his online classes. He’s got finals this next week and then it will be break-time from school until mid-September. Other than that big load, he’s also keeping busy at work and helping out with Scouts.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I haven’t done much this past week other than the ordinary stuff: keeping Joseph fed, dressed, and happy…and keeping the house {relatively} clean. 😉 I did go out with my girlfriends for shaved ice one evening, which was nice.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: Not too much out of the ordinary for Joseph, either. He has been enjoying playing Pokemon Go with Paul. It’s a game on Paul’s phone where they go different places (like parks and our neighborhood) and “collect” different Pokemon characters. He also enjoyed playing in our new pool yesterday. I had to really work on convincing him to come in after almost two hours (I was getting cold, haha). He probably would have been happy to be in there longer…it reminds me of when I was a kid. Maybe it’s hereditary. 😉
This Week in Pictures: