Weekly Happenings: This past week started off with a pretty momentous occasion. We were able to go to the Alamodome and see President Nelson (the prophet and president of our church), Elder Bednar (a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for our church), Elder Ochoa (a local leader for our church), and all of their wives speak. Even though it was a bit crazy (there were almost 24,000 people there), it was so great. The spirit was very strong and it made an impression on all of us (well, maybe not Abigail, but that was to be expected). Elder and Sister Ochoa both shared their conversion stories as well as their testimonies. Sister Bednar talked about some things she learned from a time they lived in Texas that she related to the Gospel (I don’t remember all of them, but two of them were to find joy and to always try to be a good representative of the Gospel). Elder Bednar talked about being fully committed to the Gospel. Sister Nelson talked about what it’s like to be married to the prophet (and about how he receives revelations at all hours of the night sometimes 😊). President Nelson talked about how we all have challenges and limitations and how we need to be patient and trust in the Lord during those tough times. The choir sang one of my favorite songs: It Is Well With My Soul (the Mack Wilburg arrangement). It was a wonderful night! I found a pretty good article about the even which you can read more about here. After that night, the rest of the week was pretty average, with the exception that it ended with Thanksgiving fun (we went over to our bishop’s house and enjoyed the meal with them and another family) and getting to put up Christmas decorations. I love this time of year!
The Weekly Weather: Brisk, dry, and mild. Typical late fall weather for us!
What Paul’s Been Up To: Aside from work, he was pretty busy not only helping to put up our home decorations (he always tackles the outside) but he also helped to put up the neighborhood decorations as well. I think he’s looking forward to relaxing the rest of the day and tomorrow!
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I made my very first pie completely from scratch for Thanksgiving and it turned out great! As for Christmas stuff, I had the fun task of getting to decorate the inside. It’s always fun to see the kids’ eyes light up as stuff comes out. Abigail kept saying, “Wow! Wooooah!”, which was fantastic for my momma-heart to hear.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He enjoyed having a short week at school, loved getting to play with friends on Thanksgiving, and really soaked up some “Momma-Joseph time” when we got to decorate the tree last night after Abigail went to bed. Oh, and he absolutely loved getting to put the mini tree up in his room.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s been quite the ham this week. She also surprised me the other day. When I told her that it was nap time, she got pretty upset and cried out, I kid you not, “No! I no tired!” Yup. A full-on sentence (a bit garbled, but I could tell exACTly what she said). Once I got her calmed down, she ended up sleeping for two and a half hours, so I guess she was tired after all. 😉 This morning, she popped up in her crib when I went to get her up for the day and the first thing that flew out of her mouth was, “Tree? Tree?!” She’s in love with the Christmas tree. Her favorite ornaments (that she’s allowed to touch, ha) are a little mailbox one, a wooden reindeer one (that she calls a cow), and a red satin one (I can’t really fault her there; it is pretty shiny and soft).
This Week in Pictures: