Weekly Happenings: We didn’t do too much this past week. The weather was rather uncooperative, haha. We went to Toddler Time at the library, hung around home, and just soaked in the air conditioning. We did scoot over to the zoo this morning to see the animals before the heat of the day set in too bad.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been hot, hot, hot and rather humid. There was one day where when I was walking around outside and found that I couldn’t even take a full breath because it was so humid (I think it was around 83% humidity and it was around 95 degrees…that’s a tough combo). I didn’t even realize something like that was possible!
What Paul’s Been Up To: I forgot to mention that this past Sunday was Father’s Day. Since we have 9 o’clock church, we weren’t able to make a fancy breakfast for Paul, but I did make one of his favorites for lunch (fried egg sandwiches) and dinner (meatloaf and roasted potatoes). For his presents, he got a new computer monitor and Joseph made him a tie (a few months ago at school and then they sent it home with him on the last day and he hid it for Paul to find, using clues) and colored a rock for him. It was really sweet. As far as what else he’s been up to, he replaced our kitchen faucet, and is currently waiting on parts to get our lawnmower going again. I am so grateful that he’s so handy!
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I have mostly just kept the kids alive, haha. I did get to go to book club, which is a highlight of the month for me for sure!
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s been soaking in the extra time he has to play as well helping a lot with Abigail so that I can get things done.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s adding to her vocabulary on an hourly basis it seems. She is now blurting out 3-4 word sentences on the regular now. It’s entertaining and fascinating to see.
This Week in Pictures:
Here’s the rock and the tie that Joseph made for Paul as well as the clues he wrote out for Paul to follow to find them.