Weekly Happenings: This past week was yet another laid back week. While it doesn’t make for a very interesting blog post, it does make for a pretty relaxed momma. 🙂 One crazy thing happened last Sunday evening: I was cleaning the kitchen after dinner and noticed water all over the counter, close to the watermelon that was nonchalantly sitting there. Thinking that I may have cracked it while moving it, I picked it up to investigate. It was then that I heard a hissing sound and fermented watermelon juice started spraying everywhere out of a pin-sized hole. I’m guessing that it was a bit overripe when the guy at Paul’s work gave it to us and that as it sat on our counter, it built up too much pressure to be contained, lol. I set it in the sink (leak-side down) and cleaned up the mess. After it stopped spraying, Paul disposed of it. As for the other part of my title, Paul ordered some new hair clippers (a much quieter set, since the noise from his really old set seriously upset Joseph) and gave Joseph a haircut on our back porch. Other than wiggling because it tickled, Joseph did really great (no screeching or crying). As a reward, the next day he got to pick out a new action figure. Other fun things that happened were a trip to the zoo for me and Joseph and a fun birthday party that Joseph and I got to go to for one of his friends. More about that later…
The Weekly Weather: A mix of thunderstorms, warm weather, and humidity…so basically a typical South Texas summer. 🙂
What Paul’s Been Up To: He has registered for his first semester at BYU-I which will start in September. He’s also keeping more than busy with yard work, regular work, and finishing up his last Pathway courses.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’m mainly working on finding music for my choir to sing, but I did spend some time this past week typing up information that Paul could put on my other website that he’s creating for my piano teaching. I had a new student who started this past week and may have another one starting soon (I just talked to her mother at church today).
What Joseph’s Been Up To: The highlights of Joseph’s week were definitely going to the zoo, getting his new action figure, and going to his friend’s birthday party. His friend had a “Ninjago” party (LEGO ninjas, essentially). Each of the boys got a headband and a foam sword, had to complete a ninja obstacle course out in the backyard, and had ninja-themed snacks. All yesterday evening Joseph cycled back and forth being a ninja and playing with his action figures while watching the original GI JOE series. He tried to convince us to let him sleep with his sword and we had convinced him not to…but then fireworks started going off (thanks to some neighbors who are starting to celebrate the 4th of July sort of early). I got him to go back to sleep but when Paul went to get him this morning to get ready for church, he discovered that he was sleeping with the sword after all. I guess it’s a good thing that it’s foam, lol.
This Week in Pictures: