Weekly Happenings: This week was a pretty average one filled with errand running, playing, schoolwork, work, chores, and so-on. Nothing really out of the ordinary happened, so I think I’ll just leave it at that.
The Weekly Weather: Not much has changed from last week (other than no crazy rain or thunderstorms): hot, humid sunny days.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been starting to wrap up final projects, papers, and the like. Just one more week and he’s done! His allergies (or maybe a small cold) morphed into a sinus infection, but after a trip to urgent care for a steroid shot, some OTC sinus medication, and a bit of extra rest, he’s starting to feel better.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Mainly my same-old, same-old: keeping the kids happy, the house {relatively} neat and orderly, and having a bit of fun in the mix (my monthly book club meeting was this week).
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He continues to soak up summer vacation. I’m glad he gets some down time before heading back to school at the end of next month.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: Now we get to the reason behind this week’s title. She has been fighting sleep like it’s nobody’s business. It has come in the form of one super early wake-up call (we’re talking 3:45 A.M., y’all) and pitching monstrous fits at nap time and bedtime. A couple nights in a row we got her to go to bed happily by making it look like Joseph was going to bed also (one of those nights Joseph decided to put his pajamas on over his clothes since he wasn’t quite ready for pajamas yet). This is a challenging stage of life to be sure.
This Week in Pictures: