Weekly Happenings: Well, we survived our first real week in our new routine (Paul at work, Joseph at school, me taking care of both kids solo during the day, etc). I managed to get Joseph to school on time every day and I even managed to take Abigail grocery shopping by myself. Some fun family things we did were take a trip to the library and go out to eat as a family to one of our favorite burger places (Bobby J’s). Paul also made sure to take Joseph out yesterday for a fun boy’s evening. We’re trying to make sure he doesn’t get lost in the fray that is life with a newborn. They went to La Cantera so that Joseph could play at the playground and even went to Barnes & Noble so that he could pick out a new book. A special treat for a very special little boy. Other than that, we pretty much hung around the house.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been interesting, to say the least. The cold weather was only around for a few days. Most of the past week was warm for January (in the 70s) and sunny. The past few days have been rainy, but also warm.
What Paul’s Been Up To: Mainly school and work, with Scouts tossed into the mix. He’s also been doing the bedtime routine with Joseph each night, since I tend to be pretty busy with Abigail in the evenings.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I already mentioned my first solo trip to the store with the baby (which seemed like a big deal, all of a sudden, haha). I also managed to make dinner a few nights this week (another big accomplishment in my post-baby book). Other than that, I’ve basically been working at keeping the mini-humans happy and thriving.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: At school they are doing more work with math, which is good for him to get more experience with. He’s still a great help with Abigail, getting me things when I’m busy with her, making sure she has her binky when she’s sad, etc. He also likes to do little things that he thinks entertains her (like dancing for her when she’s in the swing). He’s overall a helpful, patient little man.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: Eating, sleeping…well, you know a newborn’s routine. I’ve managed to capture a couple smiles on camera, though I don’t know if it’s more than just her experimenting with facial expressions. It’s amazing to think that in a few days she’ll be a month old.
This Week in Pictures: