Weekly Happenings: This past week really did a great job letting me know it’s August in South Texas. It’s been so hot that we haven’t done much. We pretty much hung around the house unless we needed to go somewhere to do something (we did accomplish both grocery shopping and a trip to the library, but that was about it, haha).
The Weekly Weather: As I mentioned before, it’s been super hot. I still forget how different a humid heat is from a dry heat. Growing up in the inland part of Southern California, I was used to a dry heat. When we moved here and I realized that the air actually felt…thicker, I realized it was something that would take some time getting used to. I’m still not sure I’ve acclimated and we’ve been here for seven years now. 😉
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been busy with work and he’s also been working on repairing a few of our sprinklers. He’s got them better, but needs to wait until it’s a better time to dig deeper around them to really fix them (the grass would really suffer if he tried to do a lot of digging in this heat).
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Mostly just entertaining kids, keeping my plants alive, teaching piano, and…so on.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: There isn’t too much I can add that I haven’t said in past weeks. I think he’s pretty ready for school to start so that he can see his school friends again and have a bit more of a structured day.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s been keeping all of us on our toes and making us laugh every day. We’re sure glad she’s a part of our tribe!
This Week in Pictures: