Weekly Happenings: It’s the last day of August, school has been back in session for a week, and we are on the cusp of the holiday season. I can’t say that I’m sad to see summer go (and I don’t really have to because it’s still going to be hot for a couple more months, haha) because while I love having both kiddos with me, we all thrive on being on a schedule. Also, I love the holiday season (and the eventual cooler weather). Main events from this past week: Joseph had his first day back to school and…we got a new fridge. We weighed the potential cost of nailing down the exact problem (and the potential of “well, if we fix this and then something else breaks, how much money are we willing to potentially put into an old fridge”) vs. buying a new fridge. We then decided to put the old fridge in the garage to use as surplus for those times we need more fridge space. It’s been great!
The Weekly Weather: Let’s just say that Mother Nature and I need to have a serious talk about humidity, dewpoint, and temperature here… 😉
What Paul’s Been Up To: After moving the fridge into the garage, we decided that it would be nice to get some more shelving to get more of the stuff in the garage up off the floor and more organized. Paul put up one shelf to start with (to see how it looked and functioned as well as to gauge how much it would hold) and today he’s been putting up some more.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Running errands with one less kid is quite interesting…and a bit calmer (the two of them can kind of ramp each other up, which can be…challenging in public places). I’ve also been getting piano students settled back into their time slots.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He had a good first day back to school and was happy to see his school friends. He also got to go to a friend’s birthday party, which he enjoyed immensely.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: I’ve been keeping her busy so she doesn’t notice the absence of her playmate too much. She is always excited to go get Joseph from school, though. One funny story: she and I sat down to have lunch and she looked over at the raw veggies and dip I had on my plate. She then asked me for “bro-gak-ga-gee”. It took a few times before I realized she was asking for the broccoli that was on my plate. I gave her a taste…and then eventually almost all the broccoli on my plate. She especially liked it dipped in the dip, but she still ate it plain, too. Always on my toes with that one.
This Week in Pictures: