This past week seemed to go by in an eye-blink. It was full of walks, exercising, school, work, errands, piano teaching, cooking, baking, friends, and a spontaneous trip to Buc-ee’s. It went by so fast that I even forgot to do this post yesterday. Enjoy the photos!
Last Saturday and Sunday were General Conference (a semi-annual event where the head leaders of our church address the entire worldwide membership of the church…it’s broadcast over the Internet, so we can watch it from home). One of our traditions for conference is cinnamon rolls. I found out that my sweet roll recipe is perfect for cinnamon rolls. Here they are fresh out of the oven.I found a really simple icing recipe (powdered sugar, vanilla, and milk). I was able to simply pour it over the top, so it was perfect!I had a craving for something curry-based, so I made mulligatawny. It has chicken stock, half and half, curry, chicken, onion and garlic, and apples. I serve it over rice and have some sort of flatbread with it. I had forgotten to get the na’an that I normally get at H-E-B, so I asked Paul to get some from the Neighborhood Walmart on the way home…but he said they didn’t have any, so he grabbed lavash bread (a Middle Eastern flatbread that’s more tortilla-like). I think we prefer na’an more, but it did the job in a pinch. Sometimes I forget that it can be hit or miss sometimes with different international foods.We also had National Night Out. This is the night where our neighborhood gets together at the neighborhood park to hang out…there are booths for local businesses, food trucks, the middle school band plays, and the firefighters usually show up and let the littles in their truck. Abigail got to try on a helmet, which she said was really heavy, and sat in the different parts of the truck.Mornings have been a little tough for this one. Luckily school for her doesn’t start until later in the day, so she has a few hours to really get herself good and awake.I thought the windmill that’s over by our mailboxes looked really cool against a totally cloudless sky. It was so, so blue and beautiful.She came up to where I was sitting and snuggled up to me. Joseph came over and sat down with us and she grabbed my hand to cover her eyes. She said, “I’m too nervous to see people.” (I’m still not sure why she said that), but what I heard was, “It’s too early to see people.”. I couldn’t agree more. Octobers mean jack-o’-lantern lights and fresh popcorn for evening treat.If I have to be up at sunrise on most days, at least it’s pretty.We had friends over, so I made some treats. Treat one was rice crispy treats. I used orange food coloring to dye the melted marshmallow mixture orange. Then I sprinkled both mini semi-sweet chocolate chips and butterscotch chips on top.The other treat I made for our friends night: apple cider doughnuts. The dough had flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, apple pie spice, an egg, apple sauce, and some frozen apple juice concentrate, thawed.Once they were baked, I tossed them into a mixture of sugar and more apple pie spice. They were pretty tasty!One of my favorite sights during this time of year!The obligatory picture with the Buc-ee statue.