Weekly Happenings: Well, we’ve made it another week. Not much out of the ordinary was accomplished, so there isn’t much to write about. I’m looking forward to the passing of more time so that we can hopefully get on the other side of all of this and start to be able to return to normal life.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been warm and dry. I’m trying to think if it rained at all. I think it might have sprinkled a bit one day, but that was about it.
What Paul’s Been Up To: This past week was a work-from-home week, so he spent his time divided up between working and doing yard work. This seems to be the new normal for these weeks.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: It was another week of helping Joseph with school and helping both Joseph and Abigail enjoy this extra time at home. I’m looking forward to June when I can toss the schoolwork out the window, though.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s divided his time between school and fun. It’s fun to have conversations with him as he’s getting older (even though the majority of them are about video game facts right now, haha).
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s been fighting bedtime hardcore right now. At first we thought it might be that she wanted a bigger bed, so we traded out her toddler bed for a bigger mattress (when Paul has a spare moment, he’ll build a simple frame for the mattress just like he did for Joseph). That worked for one and a half nights. Then I thought that maybe getting her cool new bedding might work. She LOVES her new bedding…but not enough to go to sleep on her own in it. This is the kid that has wanted to put herself to bed since she was six months old…and now she’s wanting me to hold her or be next to her on the couch until she falls asleep and then I carry her into her bed. This worked for a few nights and then last night she randomly woke up at 1:00 and was awake until almost 5:00…I’m not going to miss whatever stage this is.
This Week in Pictures:

Bonus Video: Here’s a video that Google Photos compiled of a bunch of videos we took of Joseph through the years!