…summer is over and school has begun. Abigail is in kindergarten full-day (and her teacher is going to be amazingly perfect for her) and Joseph is in fifth grade (which is the last grade of elementary school). I was doing the math and realized that this will be the last year that they are ever in the same school. I’m really going to savor that aspect. They had a great first week back! As for Paul and myself, we kept busy with our typical daily tasks…and celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary! We went to lunch while the kids were at school and then Paul cooked a really delicious dinner for us all. It simultaneously feels like an eyeblink and forever. I’m so grateful for him, for the family we’ve created, and for the life we’ve built. I wouldn’t want to do it with anyone else! It’s hard to believe that we’re headed into the last week of August and that September is right around the corner.
A note Abigail’s teacher gave to her at Meet the Teacher and instructed that she don’t open until the night before school.The magic confetti. Funny story: Abigail made me gather it up on Monday morning and put it in a plastic bag. She then proceeded to ask me to re-sprinkle them every night. She forgot on Thursday night, and I didn’t bring it up. 😉All ready for the first day!Kidless for the first time in some time! The silence was a little bit strange at first. I even panicked a couple different times when I couldn’t find Abigail (once at the grocery store and then once as I was doing some things around the house) before I remembered where she was. It didn’t take long to get used to, though! 😉Wearing her awesome “First Day of Kindergarten Hat”My big fifth grader!His teacher sent me this picture. I was grateful for it because he said he was fine walking down to his class on his own. :'( 🙂The first day of school she wanted me to walk her in, but after that, she told me she wanted Joseph to do it. I couldn’t help but snap this picture when I saw them walking away like this. A bit of my heart goes with them every day!School being back in session means waiting for the kids to get out…and getting to see beautiful Texas skies.
Bonus Video: I got Paul a meat slicer as an anniversary present. He used it to cut some meat really thin so that he could put it in his smoker and make beef jerky.The result. It was quite tasty!Abigail’s teacher let her bring home one of the classroom stuffed animals for a sleepover. I glanced over and saw this and thought it was pretty cute.Our anniversary dinner! Salmon, lobster tail (Paul and I split one), corn on the cob, and potatoes…all cooked in the smoker!Another gorgeous Texas sky. This time, it was a pretty sunrise.My pumpkin plant! I was super excited to see a blossom on it! I think it’s grown even more since I took this picture. I’ll probably post another picture next week.Joseph’s class was learning about the scientific method by using jelly beans. Joseph ended up with a puke-flavored one (poor kid). Luckily, since he used the scientific method to formulate a hypothesis that it might be puke-flavored (it was luck of the draw…some kids got good ones and some got gross ones) by smelling it first, he only took the teeniest bite to determine whether or not his hypothesis was correct. He also had his water close by to wash it down, haha.