This last week was crazy busy. Work, school, a random day off for the kids (election day: our district decided that it was a safety issue having school when a lot of schools in the district are polling places…it was a teacher work day for me, but luckily Paul knew far enough in advance and was able to get the day off), a quick there-and-back trip to Dallas for Paul, and a birthday party for Abigail to attend (at Peter Piper Pizza…Joseph tagged along since Paul was out of town). Joseph kept an eye on Abigail at the party so I could enjoy some adult interaction and even got Abigail a ton of tickets so that she could get a prize. I’m so grateful for his sweet spirit! I just finished lesson planning and grading a slew of papers and have progress reports practically done (the only thing that will need to change is if anything needs grading between now and when progress reports are due…on Wednesday, I think). Add all this on top of regular around-the-house stuff and, yeah. Let’s just say that I’m looking forward to plowing through this week so that the kids and I can have the entire next week off for Thanksgiving!