Weekly Happenings: Not too much happened this past week. Early on, Joseph was sick (got it from me), so we stayed around the house so that he could rest. Then, as he was getting better, Paul got it. So it was a pretty empty week because we were working on getting better (and staying better). I did take Joseph to the park on Friday, since the weather was clear and we met up with friends there. I am so grateful for having had the opportunity to make quite a few friends here. It helps this introvert mom get out of the house and socialize so that her extrovert son doesn’t lose his mind. 😉
The Weekly Weather: The beginning of last week was cold and overcast, but as we got toward the end of the week, it started to be more sunny (which is what I needed…I get grumpy and kind of depressed if I don’t get to see the sun too often). The past couple of days, we’ve even had the windows and sliding door open to get fresh air into the house. It’s been so nice!
What Paul’s Been Up To: Mainly trying to stay ahead of the stomach bug that attacked our household. Joseph and I got over it relatively quickly, but poor Paul has had it hanging on longer than us (totally not fair). He stayed home from church today in hopes that extra rest will help him to kick it once and for all.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Playing nurse for the most part…I did go to my monthly book club meeting, which was fun as always. Joseph and I got to meet up with friends for lunch to celebrate someone’s birthday (this was before he got sick) and I got to meet up with some friends Friday night to have dinner in celebration of a soon-to-be-here baby. Oh, and I also played the piano at my friend’s daughter’s baptism. OH, and we also had the sister missionaries over to have dinner with us last night, so I got dinner ready for that.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: Cuteness overload as always. He was irritated early on in the week because I wouldn’t let him have any milk or cheese (thanks to his bug). When his stomach had had a few days rest I slowly reintroduced dairy into his diet and he was very excited. He continues with his great interest in anything Super Mario Brothers and he is also perfecting his complimenting skills. Yesterday I started to go over the music for the baptism and as soon as I started playing the piano, he said, “Oh, Mom, that sounds so nice!” Little butter-uper! 😉
This Week in Pictures: