This last week was kind of a shortened one because Paul didn’t have work on Monday and the kids also didn’t have school (because of Columbus Day). We plugged through the week and then today we drove out to the pumpkin patch for some fall fun. We’ve had a couple good rainstorms move through, which was nice. We need the moisture for sure!
Since there was no school on Monday, Joseph came along with me and Abigail on our walk. We got to this part of the walk and Joseph said, “See, Mom? This, right here, is why I love Texas. It’s just so pretty!” I have to agree.No school also meant no having to go back and forth, so I had time to make rolls (and make them big enough to use as sandwich buns…so I also made meatballs).Cut a roll in half, pop on a couple of meatballs and a slice of cheese…and serve with a side of steamed broccoli. One of my favorite dinners!Tuesday was picture day. I realized Abigail’s bangs were rather long and hanging down in her eyes, so I fashioned some side French braids to pull them out of her face. I got this side really well (probably because my left hand was reaching for the new strands to add into the braid)……but this side didn’t turn out nearly as well. Luckily, she really wanted her octopus clip put into her hair, so I used it to cover up the messy braid, haha. I would have redone it, but I ran out of time.This is what happened when I told her to smile. I remember thinking that I hoped she wouldn’t smile like that for pictures (but also thinking it would be kind of funny if she did), haha.Here’s a good smile!October means bat earrings!It also means getting to wear one of my favorite shirts. The caption for this says “Mother of Nightmares” (and yes, the kids know it’s a play on the movie and that I don’t really think they’re nightmares). Paul found it for me a couple of years ago and I love that it has a mom with a boy and a girl.An October rose. A fun wildflower that Abigail and I saw on one of our walks. I love it so much! It’s spherical and looks like it has fluff like a dandelion, but it doesn’t. I also love the sparkly tips!Yup. That’s just a group of seven vultures just hanging out on the roof of one of the houses across the street from our house.Crazy-looking fungi that we spotted on a tree by the school. I posted this picture on Facebook and had a friend tell me that they were called “turkey tails” which I think is the perfect name for them.One of my friends went to Disneyland a few months back and bought these towels for me. Now that it’s October, I can put them out!One favorite part of the pumpkin patch is dressing a scarecrow.Abigail maneuvering the hay bale maze.These were some fun painted tires that the kids could climb on.Barrel train ride! I was so glad Joseph could ride with Abigail. My hips and back still remember the last time I rode that thing, haha.She scooted back and wanted him to hold onto her…which was pretty cute.I love watching them walk. She sure loves her daddy!I love this sweet boy!I also love this sweet girl (and her wild side, haha).This is such a beautiful place!Petting a pony.Climbing on the hay tractor.Smile for the camera! Watch out! Abigail’s behind the wheel.On the hay ride.Watching the music show.They were really fun to watch. They got the audience involved a lot and sung some fun songs.Abigail was eating it all up (she was also munching down on the kettlecorn there…we still have quite a bit of that left over to snack on for the next few days).Joseph and his tambourine. Baby pig “races”. They didn’t really have a winner…the three little piglets just ran some laps while a pre-teen looking boy encouraged them to keep going by chasing them a bit and sprinkling some food out for them, haha.