Weekly Happenings: This past week was pretty low-key. Unfortunately with how nauseous and tired I have been, we haven’t done too many things outside of the house. Fortunately, Joseph is really patient and really likes playing with his toys. 🙂 The weekend was a bit more lively. Friday, we met up with Paul just outside the base (since I no longer have a military ID), he drove us in, and we attended the annual picnic lunch for his work. Joseph had a lot of fun walking around, playing games, and seeing big-wigs get dunked in the dunk-tank. Yesterday was a packed day in that in the morning we cleaned the park, had my annual piano recital at our house in the afternoon, and then had friends over to play games in the evening.
The Weekly Weather: I think this past week, the rainy days outweighed the non-rainy ones. If they didn’t, I’m sure Thursday counted for at least two days-worth of rain. It started at about 7:00 and finally let up a little before 11:00. Paul said that as he was driving to work, he had to drive really slowly to avoid hydroplaning on the highway. Luckily our friends across the street invited us over for a play date or else we might have gone crazy at home! I think we got close to three inches of rain with that storm alone.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been getting back into the groove after his trip. Work, school, and Scouts. He also did some yard maintenance, for which I am always grateful. Oh, and he’s been taking care of Joseph in the mornings so that I can get some extra sleep. Joseph usually wakes up not too long after Paul gets up to get ready for work, so they go downstairs, have breakfast together, and then Paul sets Joseph up with toys to play with until I get up. I’m so grateful he’s such a dedicated daddy and caring husband!
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I think I’m pretty much in survival mode right now, hahaha. Luckily, with summer approaching quickly (I think there’s only a couple weeks of school left), most of my students have asked to take the summer off. I asked the others who hadn’t said anything about vacations if they were going to come (and mentioned that most seemed to be taking the summer off) and they also decided to take the summer off. Hopefully by September I’ll be feeling better (or at least be done with the nausea/fatigue that seems to be defining the first trimester of this pregnancy). Now that recital is over, I can relax a bit and concentrate on choir music. I also keep semi-busy with my newest calling at church (compassionate service) making sure that those who are sick, just had a baby, or are new to our flock are getting their needs met.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s been displaying his ever-increasing vocabulary. Last night, he was reading me a book about bugs and he made sure to tell me that the bugs who were hiding were using camouflage to hide from predators. The other day, while watching a Daniel Tiger episode where Daniel Tiger was talking about how stars make pictures in the sky, Joseph shook his head and said, “Daniel Tiger doesn’t know that those pictures are really constellations.” He then proceeded to let me know that when Daniel Tiger was talking about falling stars, the falling stars were really perseids (yes, I know that Perseids refers to a specific meteor shower, but I was still impressed he remembered the term). Thanks Wild Kratts, Dinosaur Train, and Curious George!
This Week in Pictures:

Bonus Video: My Annual Piano Recital (thanks for setting up the recording and getting it all taken care of, Paul!)