The weather this past week was much, much nicer than last week. It was cold in the mornings, but would warm up enough in the afternoons that we could shed our sweatshirts. The kids were able to get some outside time (which is good for all involved), I was able to get a lot of walking in (my favorite type of exercise), and it was nice not being so cold it hurt my face, haha. Also, my back is doing much better. I’ve been able to downgrade to Aleve for an anti-inflammatory, so that’s good. I’m still being really careful how I bend and pick up things, though. Some Abigail funnies this week: one night she told me she had “a case of the not-tireds” (she didn’t want to go to bed). It almost worked! She still went to bed. Another night, we were reading a book called “Goodnight Gorilla” where a zookeeper is saying goodnight to all of the animals. He doesn’t realize as he is doing so, the gorilla is letting each of the animals out of their cages. Each time that happened, Abigail would say, “Oh no! They’re leaving their habitat! That’s not good!” Don’t worry, though…they all end up back in their cages (except the extra-sneaky gorilla).