This past week started out normal…and then the weather literally dropped almost 40 degrees over night. They cancelled school on both Thursday and Friday because of freezing rain and cold temperatures. Luckily, Paul was able to telework both of those days as well, so we were able to stay home where it was nice and warm and dry. I did go outside twice…once to bring the trash cans back in (I found that I needed to break a thin layer of ice off of both the combination lock and the latch for our gate in order to get the gate open to put the cans back in the back yard) and once to drive down the street to grab a few groceries. It was during this grocery trip that my back decided it didn’t like the cold. So…the last few days I’ve been forced to slow down and be careful to avoid having it seize up on me as much as possible. I’m feeling quite a bit better today (it really was a blessing that school was cancelled on Friday as well, because that meant I was able to spend the majority of yesterday resting. I think that was a game-changer because I feel like I might be on the flip-side. Also, we have Stake Conference this weekend, which we can watch remotely, so we don’t need to leave the house for church. Hopefully that means that by Monday I can start back with some of my normal stuff.
Abigail had a “make your own monster” Play-Doh kit that she got back in October. Paul found it in the closet and got it out for her to play with. Nothing’s going to get past that guy…he’s got eyes on you at all times!We also welcomed the first day of February this past week. That meant pulling out the Valentines’ Day decorations! The pink and navy hearts are ones that I made years ago (along with the burlap and pipe cleaner hearts). I did add this Valentines’ felt garland (which I found at Hobby Lobby) this year. It was just what this section of the wall needed to add just a little more color.I also found the red hearts with the burlap bow at Hobby Lobby. I think they compliment the decorations that I already had.Normally she loves the idea of getting to walk Joseph to school…apparently that wasn’t the case on Tuesday.She basically told me that she was going to stay right there, thank-you-very-much.She did eventually come around to the idea, though…and then didn’t want to turn around when we normally do. We did a round trip of 3.5 miles that day!I call this next set of pictures……”Mom is trying to get a normal picture……but she’s failing……so she’s just embracing the silly.”Abigail asked me where I was going, since I had make-up and earrings on. I was getting ready to go to music rehearsal (I’m part of a trio that is going to sing at the adult session of Stake Conference tonight), but I thought it was funny that she associated those two things with me leaving the house. 🙂Wednesday was the 100th day of school. Joseph’s class did a few things, but not any crafts. Abigail’s class did a few more interactive things and her teacher sent me this picture. 🙂Thursday brought us freezing rain throughout most of the day.Those are the neighbor’s trees, coated in ice.The extra wire fencing we keep between Paul’s office and the house also had ice on it.I took this picture (Paul took the previous two). I thought the ice on the tips of the tree branches and leaves was so pretty!She was pretending to be a queen. She had me make her a crown and she made sure to get a throne and a scepter. 😁 When she found out that not all of her subjects were going to bend to her every whim (namely the 10-year-old one), she gave up the monarchy pretty quickly. 😂