Weekly Happenings: This was pretty much the most average of average weeks, haha. I didn’t even really pull out my phone to snap any pictures (hence the title of this post).
The Weekly Weather: Spring is getting here slowly but surely. The mornings have been cold but the sun warms things up throughout the day so the afternoons have been quite pleasant.
What Paul’s Been Up To: Pretty much his typical schedule of work and working around the house/yards.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Not much out of the ordinary for me, either.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He was excited to wrap this week up since next week is spring break. He’s looking forward to sleeping in, playing with his toys and games, and probably a play date or two.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She had a play date this week, which she enjoyed immensely. I probably need to set those up more often for her.
This Week in Pictures:

Bonus Video: Abigail is a super-hero, here to save the day!