It was quite a busy week. We didn’t really do anything out of the ordinary. Well, I did have my first full week of subbing, so that was a bit different, but it’s going to soon be the norm. We only have two weeks left before Christmas break. Hurray!
I found this guy and thought he was the perfect addition to my table.I told her to get ready to go out and this is what she came down in. According to her, they all really do go together because they are all of her favorites (favorite leggings, favorite skirt, and favorite shirt). 😀A mini project that turned out quite fun. I had a bunch of Christmas pictures printed up and grabbed a couple of cheap wreath hangers as well as some mini clothespins. I already had the white string. I love the result! Plus, it’s on the door to the garage, so I get to see it often.Paul was tasked with putting up the wooden Christmas trees at the park.This is what they look like at night. There isn’t electricity at the park, so the solar Christmas lights come in handy.Paul also put up more solar Christmas lights in the shape of trees (along with a banner that is lit by a solar spotlight) up at the entrance that we use to get into our neighborhood. There isn’t a monument or electricity or anything like that, so we had to rely on solar.Abigail drew a picture of Hulk. Do you see the muscles on his arms and legs? Oh, and his purple pants? I love her imagination so much!Can you tell I have a thing for nativities?This is the one we had when I was growing up. My mom gifted it to me when I got married (she had gotten a different one a few years prior). I still get a little choked up every time I unwrap the figurines.This one is a music box (if you turn the star, it plays “Silent Night”). It was given to us by Kris Huston. Paul lived with the Hustons after he got home from his mission until we got married. We’re still in touch and they feel like family. My favorite thing about this one is that it was made in Bethlehem. It is so, so special!One of my favorite sights. Paul was cutting down the pumpkin plant and discovered this teensy pumpkin that was hiding.I put it next to the other teensy one. 😀They had an event in the park where the kids could visit with Santa. 🙂We also had the kids pose with the Christmas tree forest. Abigail kept jumping up and down and yelling cheese……so I told her to stop. Look at that face!She was ready to go home after that.
Paul found these lights that we could use for the porch and carriage lights. It causes quite the effect (especially when combined with our projectors that do something similar). Abigail liked dancing in the lights.