People have been asking me what it feels like to be 29…to tell the truth, I don’t know what it feels like to be 29 because I haven’t been 29 for very long. I probably won’t know what it feels like until the day before I turn 30! So right now, I just say it feels great…I mean, what else is there to say? In other words…my birthday was great. I went to work (recieved precious home-made cards), came home and found flowers (in pots) that Paul is going to plant for me :), and I went to an activity for church that was a “Girlz Night” (just the women) while Paul stayed home and planted my flowers…we will probably do something during the weekend to make it even more special. We also celebrated our 8th anniversary last week. I can hardly believe that we have been married for eight years. It has been awesome! I am so glad that I can be with someone, I love so much, for eternity. I am so grateful for that fact! I love you, honey!!