Weekly Happenings: It’s finally December! I think one reason I love this time of year is because it feels magical. I love the lights, the music, the chill in the air, and the warm feelings that abound. I also love to see it through my children’s eyes. Their joy and happiness makes all the planning and craziness worth it! This past week, we didn’t really do anything too out of the ordinary during the week. We did go to IKEA today to get a storage unit for Abigail’s room. It’s been chilly and a bit rainy today, so I’m glad we’re back in our warm house.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been rather chilly. I think we’ve officially entered late fall temperatures for the most part, but there have been a few days that have been downright cold. One morning, it was even below freezing when we dropped Joseph off at school. Crazy!
What Paul’s Been Up To: He worked from home this last week and he put together the storage unit for Abigail’s room. It looks great and so much less cluttered in there!
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I have pretty much just done my normal stuff. Nothing really out of the ordinary here.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He had a full week of school after having a full week off. It was a little rough getting him up in the mornings, but we only have to soldier through two more weeks and then it’ll be time for Christmas break!
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She has enjoyed the cooler weather because she loves to wear fuzzy hats. She has also enjoyed getting her one-on-one time with me back.
This Week in Pictures:
My December quote. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.This was a little colder than I meant when I was wishing for cooler weather.Luckily, I have nice warm hats and scarves.Abigail was excited to finally get to wear her Minnie sweatshirt.My friend Reagan made this cute hat for Abigail.I don’t often turn on the heat for this thing (I usually just turn on the lights to make it look cozy), but I did this week!“Mom…it is so warm and cozy right here!”A new pressure cooking adventure……using this steamer basket and four whole potatoes, which turned into……mashed potatoes!I added salt, butter, and……cream.Then I mixed them up really well……and set them to keep warm while I pulled the rest of dinner together. It was the best way, yet (no starchy water getting all over my stove top because I got distracted and accidentally allowed the pot to boil over). Soooo yummy!Pretty clouds one morning…Wanting to play Prodigy (a math-based video game) by me, but needing it quiet enough to concentrate on his subtraction. Ear muffs to the rescue! I love sunrises! I love vibrant colors, so when I saw this cool color combo between my nails and my sweater, I couldn’t help but smile a bit. Making shadow puppets on the wall. She was checking out the clouds.She was excited to get to wear my scarves.I couldn’t tell if she was cold or hot, haha.Paul added lights to our tree in the front.I really like the addition.We may have acquired a couple of new fuzzy friends from IKEA today!We moved her dresser over to this wall……and then Paul put the shelves on this wall. We’re going to see how it goes and then maybe get a few more bins, depending on how things go. I love how much less cluttered it feels in her room!