The Final Countdown

‘We only have three school days left. We have Memorial Day, then three days and then we’We only have three school days left. We have Memorial Day, then three days and then we’re free for summer. Well, I do have Friday as a teacher work day, but the kids won’t be there, so I kind of count that as a day off, too. 😉 We had Abigail’s awards ceremony, Joseph had his last GT meeting, Abigail had a water day, and then we capped everything off with a trip to the zoo yesterday.

Abigail and her teacher, Mrs Moreno. This woman was an amazing presence in Abigail’s life this year. She saw through the hard bits and stuck with her until the end. She’s awesome!
Abigail wanted a picture with me.
I noticed this in the hallway right outside Abigail’s classroom. 🙂
With her trophy. She was so excited to get one!
Bonus points if you can spot both the squirrel and the mockingbird that’s chasing it. 😀
There were quite a few days this week where she woke feeling like this.
Ready for the day!
A teacher friend got this for me. She had a blast!
His last GT day. I can hardly believe he’s going to junior high in the next year.
Voila! She loves this butterfly.
She actually did really well not running around while in the butterfly house.
Checking out a pretty orange one.
This was probably her favorite butterfly. It’s called an owl butterfly.
It was neat to see each chrysalis and even a butterfly that is still trying to dry out its wings.
So pretty!
She was in Heaven.
Joseph and Paul went for a walk while Abigail and I were looking at the butterflies.
This one’s coloration was just too pretty to pass up, so I had to take a picture. I thought that its coloration looked like a a Mexican serape.
The preteen doing what preteens do best: multi-tasking while waiting on a younger sibling. He looks so grown up here.
She loves this rhino so much!
Checking out the African horn bill. She was excited to get to see Zazu from Lion King)
On the Nile Crocodile! It was her first choice.
She was happy she got the Nile Crocodile.

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