Spring Is Here, Hooray!

Weekly Happenings: Usually I’m not so excited for the warm weather to return, but after being so, so cold in February, I’m ready for it! As far as activities go, we didn’t really do anything out of the ordinary. With Joseph in school, Paul working, and me teaching piano most afternoons, it’s a rather busy time for us.

The Weekly Weather: It has been so nice lately. I really do think that March is my favorite.

What Paul’s Been Up To: The new swings for the park were delivered, so he went and put those on. I sure hope people in our neighborhood realize just how much money our HOA is saving by having a president that is handy. 😉 He did have to go into work this morning for a couple of hours to take care of some things (sometimes they need to come in on a Saturday because that way they can take the whole system down without interrupting the schedules of the staff and students), but luckily it didn’t take too long.

What Sarah’s Been Up To: Not too much out of the ordinary for me this week. 🙂

What Joseph’s Been Up To: He had a good week at school. Other than that, not too much to report about him, either. 🙂

What Abigail’s Been Up To: She got a haircut this week, which will make it much easier to brush her hair (she doesn’t like to slow down long enough for me to do a really good job). She has also showed just how independent she can be. The other day she changed herself. She took off her shorts and wet Pull-up, used one of her chairs to reach the shelf where the other Pull-ups were, got one, put it on, and then put her shorts back on. She decided to do this while I was teaching piano, or I would have encouraged her to wait for me, haha. I think we’re one step closer to potty training…oh, one funny story: she decided to use the stick from her balloon (that she got when she got her hair cut) to flip the switch and turn on the fan in the living room. I said, “Hey, now that’s using your noggin!”. She said (with kind of a forced, good-natured laugh), “No, Mom! I didn’t use my NOggin…I used my balloon stick!” 😂

This Week in Pictures:

Playing out in the back yard on a nice, spring afternoon.
She requested a Daniel Tiger puppet. Mom did her best, haha.
I jokingly tossed her blanket over her when she was sitting on the couch. She left it there and called out, asking for her tablet. 😂 She stayed under there for a good twenty minutes.
He told me, “Mom! I came up with the best way to handle my sweatshirt!” He hates when it comes untied from around his waist, but he’s also afraid that he’ll forget it if he sets it down at school. It might be hard to see, but he has the arms pulled through his belt loops. 😁 Seems legit to me.
Trying to teach Abigail to play Wii sports. Right now she’s kind of a button-masher.
I love seeing the new leaves and the fresh, green grass poking through!
The tomato plant is growing so fast!
So is the mint!
The nice warm weather made me want to put out my spring decorations.
Abigail absolutely loves the bunnies. She did ask me about the “dirty” eggs…but accepted my explanation that they were fake eggs that were meant to look like birds’ eggs.
My quote for spring.
Before her haircut…
…and after.
The stylist always does something after the haircut. This time, it was a mini French braid with a sparkly dragonfly clip. We made it roughly an hour before Abigail wanted it all taken out (another reason I wanted to have her hair shorter…she doesn’t really like anything done with it).
Picnicking on top of the play set.
This boy loves to swing!
I realized my utensil jars were rather sticky/greasy. After a 409/dish soap bath, they’re all shiny again! I didn’t realize at the time I purchased them that the green ones were limited edition (I don’t even remember how long ago I got them). I went to find more one day (probably about a year ago) and realized there weren’t any in the stores and the few I found online were being sold for probably 2-3 times more than what I paid for them (I guess that happens with limited edition stuff 😂), so I’ve just opted for any glass jars I happen to procure if I need more storage space.

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