Rodeo San Antonio!

Bonus Blog Post! Today we went to the rodeo/stock show that comes into town every year about this time. It was so much fun! Today was a Dollar Day, too, so it only cost a dollar for Paul and I to get in (Joseph was free) and some of the food was only a dollar (we had hot dogs for lunch). We saw a bunch of animals (pigs, cows, and some wild animals and reptiles that are native to Texas), watched the sheep dogs compete in herding, walked around a bunch of booths, visited the petting zoo (they even had a wallaby there!), and did some other fun stuff. We had a pretty good time. 🙂 Joseph walked everywhere with us, and did a pretty good job listening. We thought he’d crash once we got back to the car, but he surprised us both by not doing so…in fact, he didn’t nap at all today, which made for a very tired momma and daddy. Here are a few pictures that Paul took of our fun day:

Petting the wallaby
He was so soft! Incredibly docile, too.
Joseph really liked brushing the different animals
Every time he saw a cow (real or not), he’d say, “Mooooo!”
He didn’t really want to “milk” the cow, though…hahaha!
Our little tomato
This is what happens when the two-year-old rushes the camera
Paul had to get a picture of the prairie dogs. He said he’s got a lot of pictures of prairie dog holes (from his mission) because the prairie dogs themselves were too fast to be captured on film. 🙂
Joseph loved the reptiles
Checking out the pigs
Joseph kept saying, “Oink, oink!”

See ya’ next year, rodeo!

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