Weekly Happenings: It’s been gloriously laid back this past week. I don’t mind it at all because I know that with the holidays approaching, followed by Abigail’s arrival shortly thereafter, we’re going to be immersed in all sorts of crazy soon enough. I had a couple of doctors’ appointments, Joseph had school, and Paul had work, school, and Scouts. Paul had Friday off (due to Veterans’ Day), so he spent a lot of time working on his office project. We also ate out a couple of times because of some free meal deals that they were having around town due to the holiday (one of the perks of living in “Military U.S.A.”). Paul and I went to lunch after dropping Joseph off at school (he didn’t have Veterans’ Day off) and then we went to dinner as a family. Oh, and Paul left early Friday morning to try and see if he could procure the new gaming system that Nintendo just released. It’s like the original NES, but it’s smaller and all of the games are loaded onto it instead of on separate cartridges. It’s also only $60 (almost unheard of, anymore). I was hopeful, but not really holding my breath, since I know that type of stuff goes fast. Well, he got one! He went to Target right as it opened only to find out that they had handed out tickets for people to reserve one (no ticket, no console) at 4AM of all times. He drove over to Best Buy (which wasn’t due to open for two more hours), found out they were giving out tickets, and managed to get one of the last tickets. We were then able to go back later and pick it up. Joseph was pretty excited.
The Weekly Weather: This past week was gorgeous. There were a couple of rainy days, but most of the days were sunny and cool (as in, we actually wore light sweaters). Thank you, November!
What Paul’s Been Up To: Aside from work, school, and Scouts, he spent most of the weekend working on his office. He borrowed a circular saw from someone in our ward so that he could cut down the plywood sheets that he’s using to cover insulation and the 2X4s that he’s going to use for supports for shelving and other things. He also got most of the insulation installed. It’s a wool insulation instead of fiberglass and he says it’s so much better to work with. His goal is to have the office done by the end of the month so that we can go ahead and move some baby stuff into the spare bedroom. I think he’s well on his way!
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I got some good news at my nutritionist appointment. Apparently my blood sugar levels have been consistently good enough that she felt like I could decrease how many times I have to test every day. Instead of four times a day, I only have to test two times. It’s been really nice to not have to prick my finger so much. Tomorrow, I go for my next ultrasound/growth scan. I’ve felt kind of cruddy this week, but I think it’s because of the diet. I’m still not gaining weight (and even lost two more pounds), but my OB said that Abigail is measuring great (at least by the tape measurements; I’ll know more tomorrow after my ultrasound), so she’s taking what she needs, regardless of what I may need (and honestly, if that’s what it takes, I’m okay with that). Only 6.5 weeks to go!
What Joseph’s Been Up To: Mostly just being his awesome self. He’s really enjoyed playing with our new game console for the past couple of days. I like that I don’t have to worry about him accidentally breaking something on Paul’s original one, now. A couple awesome anecdotes from an evening when I wasn’t feeling well and he very willingly entertained himself for over an hour: he was getting a bin of toys off the shelf in his room and I heard a crash, followed by the specific sound of his toy grenade going off (which was in said bin). I kind of imagined the grenade sound to be a bit telling as to the size of the mess in his room…I’m just glad that the next sound I heard was him telling me that it was okay because he could clean it up by himself (and that it wasn’t his LEGOS). After playing with those toys for a while, he switched to his LEGOS. He made a LEGO creation that was part library and part science lab. He then put an extra head and “lab coat” (I think it was technically a suit of armor) on one of his mini figures and named him Professor Two Heads. If Professor Two Heads needed to go into his library, he’d take off one of his heads and his lab coat so as to not freak out the people in the library. Wow. His imagination blows my mind sometimes.
This Week in Pictures: