Weekly Happenings: We’ve pretty much been in recovery mode since we got home from vacation. Vacation as a child and vacation as a parent are TOTALLY different, haha. We spent most of the week just lazing around the house (well, Paul had to go to work). We had a few play dates to fill up the time, which were fun.
The Weekly Weather: warm, humid, and pollen everywhere, haha. We did have a couple of good rainstorms come through, which greened everything up nicely.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s officially done with school! I’m so, so proud of all the hard work he put into it. Not only did he complete his degree while working full-time, but he maintained excellent grades while doing so. Not to mention still finding time to maintain the house, yards, and spending time with me and the kids.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: My main task seems to have been working on getting the kids back on our time zone, haha. I did get to go to my monthly book club meeting, which was a nice break. One funny thing that happened: one morning, I noticed a burrowed hole (about an inch in diameter) in the larger of my two succulent pots. I brushed the dirt back into the hole and told myself I would watch it to see if the hole reappeared. It didn’t, so I figured whatever had made it had moved on. A couple days later, I noticed more loose soil in the same pot (easy to notice since my succulent pots have a layer of gravel on top). I went to brush it away and noticed a section of it…undulate. At that point, I got Paul (because, well, it could be friend or foe, haha). He discovered one of the huge toads that have been living in our yard in there. That thing was about the size of my fist! Paul gave it a temporary home in our larger planter until it could move back into the yard somewhere.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s been enjoying soaking in the last few bits of summer. He goes back to school in a little over a week. He’s excited to meet his new teacher and see all his school friends again.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s been up to (and into) everything! She loves to give hugs (and even says, “awwww”, when she does so), has added more words to her vocabulary, and seems to have even added a couple phrases. Once, she said, “I go ni-ni” (I go night-night) and she says “Der-oo-go” (there you go) on a daily basis. She also has a very clear “no” (haha). It’s crazy to think that she’ll be two in just a few months!
This Week in Pictures: