I don’t really have another good title for this week’s post. It’s been so hot that I haven’t felt like going anywhere or doing anything. We did still accomplish some things, but there was a LOT of down-time in between. I kind of feel like I’m in this limbo of enjoying not having anything to do and…missing the routine and schedule of the school year. Is that crazy? I feel like the kids would say it was, haha.
This sweet thing spent a good portion of one of our “down” days watching Christmas movies. I think she’s over the heat, too.She had a bunch of “friends” over for a sleep over (since I told her she was a bit young for an actual sleep over).Ah, yes. The big thing that I did get done. Abigail and I went through ALL her toys and cleared out a bunch that she no longer plays with. I also reorganized her dress-up area.It’s way less cluttered now in the loft.I also no longer feel like hyperventilating when walking into her room.I spent a good portion of this last week trying to keep the plants alive (we’re on Day “I-lost-count” of triple digits). The pumpkin plant is really starting to spread out……much to the consternation of the tomato plant.This is the face of a girl who kept getting buzzed at by wasps while trying to water. Luckily, they were more interested in the water than they were in me.These plants lost all of their lower leaves (some sort of fungus attacked them), but the tops are still healthy (hence the droopiness, because they’re all a bit top-heavy). I can also see new growth popping up. There’s a big, black bumblebee that likes to come along here and get the pollen.Paul’s solar drip line system. The panel powers the system which makes it so the drip lines can pull water from the buckets…and all eight of our tomato plants (so we have a total of ten plants, because there are two in a different part of the yard) get consistent watering. There’s one pot out there (just to the right of the buckets) that had carrots, but the heat got to those. We did get a nice little harvest which we used for a stew one day. I don’t know if we have anything currently in that pot.Mint!It’s a good thing I took a picture of these, or else I would have no proof of harvest. I set them down, walked away to do something, and came back to find an empty bowl. I DID tell Abigail she could eat them…I just underestimated how fast she was, haha.This chair is eventually going to make its way to my classroom, but until then, it’s been chillin’ in our living room. This morning, I was sitting in it reading. I got up to get a drink of water and came back to find my spot had been taken over.