Weekly Happenings: This past week was pretty average. We sort of just plugged along, doing our normal thing. Friday, Abigail and I met up with Paul to attend his annual work picnic (Joseph stayed in school, which was probably more fun for him…there aren’t really any kids there since it’s always in the middle of the day on a school day). Everyone was excited to see Abigail and how much she had grown (at the last one, she was just a few months old).
The Weekly Weather: It’s been warm and dry (as in, no rain…it’s been plenty humid, haha).
What Paul’s Been Up To: Work, school, and the like.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Kids, home, and the like. I did get to attend a stake Relief Society activity which was uplifting and fun.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s been really enjoying school. His class got a new class pet (a frog) to add to their menagerie. His teacher does so many fun things with the class I know it will be bittersweet on the last day of school.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She has added her version of “thank you” (it sort of sounds like: “aye-oo”) to her vocabulary and will use it quite often (example: a friend of mine gave her a cracker and she told her thank you…and then told her thank you again when she gave her another one). It’s crazy to think that she’s going to be two at the end of the year!
This Week in Pictures: