Weekly Happenings: We pretty much stayed at home this past week. Joseph started back to school, so there was the usual ferrying him back and forth, but other than that, it was a pretty home-body week. On Friday night, we did go downtown to meet up with Tracy’s husband Ted. He was in town for a convention, so we picked him up and took him out for dinner at Augie’s (a pretty good BBQ joint that’s close to the zoo). It was nice to see family, even if only briefly for an evening.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been really back and forth. We are constantly switching between AC and heat. Earlier this last week it was warm enough to not even need long sleeves, but the last couple of days have struggled to get above freezing. Then this next week is supposed to warm up again…oiy. That’s Texas for ya’!
What Paul’s Up To: He started back with school this past week, but had the week off from work. He goes back tomorrow. I’m not sure I’m ready, but he’s got to do it sometime, right? I’m sure we’ll all be fine. During this past week, aside from homework, he painted an accent wall in Abigail’s room and went with me on my first grocery shopping trip with Abigail. It was a huge help!
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Basically a rinse and repeat of last week: keep the tiny human alive and the medium human happy (without forgetting the needs of the other adult human in the household). It’s a balance for sure, but I feel like I’m slowly getting into a groove.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He loved getting to go back to school and to show his friends his new baby sister. I’m glad he’s back in his routine because I didn’t realize before just how much those three hours mean. He’s being entertained and educated and I can play catch up with Abigail or run errands without feeling like he’s getting pushed to the wayside.
What Abigail’s Up To: Sleeping for three hour stretches during the night, eating, and all the other baby basics. The big news this past week was that her umbilical cord fell off, so now she has a normal belly button. We also took her to the doctor for her two week check up and found out that she gained seven ounces in a week alone. That’s my good eater!
This Week in Pictures: