Weekly Happenings: This past week was pretty tame. The only really out-of-the-ordinary thing was that Wednesday was Paul’s birthday. In order to try and make it special for him (since he was stuck going to work), I had Joseph make him a card and I picked up a couple of small treats for him. We then headed out to his work to give him the birthday treats. We ended up getting there about lunch time, so we went out to lunch with him, and then went back to his work and had pie with some of his coworkers (they do pie as opposed to cake). After he got home from work, we went out to eat for dinner, so the day ended up quite out of the ordinary.
The Weekly Weather: It was warmer than it was last weekend, but not as warm as it was before that…we’ve been in the low 90s most of the time. I’m hoping that the weather will keep cooling down since we’re supposed to be hitting the official start of fall this week. 😉
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been working hard at work, keeping the house and yard looking good, etc. He spent quite a bit of time yesterday improving and organizing the shelves he has in the garage that hold a lot of his tools and such. He also had his first meeting with his cohort for the Pathways program this past week.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Besides the normal housework/keeping Joseph happy and healthy, I’ve been prepping for my first recital, which will be next month. I’ve also been keeping busy with my visiting teaching coordinating, ward choir directing, and prepping for the Messiah.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: Finding joy in the little things (Like when he got excited and told me that he found an “O” in his cereal, which was a bowl of Cheerios, lol), showing how tall he is (I discovered that he can now reach the light switches in most of the rooms and not only turn them on, but turn them off as well), expecting me to do impossible things (today he thought it was too bright, so he asked me to make the sun go away), voicing his opinion about TV shows (he insisted on watching the classic cowboy channel on our Roku box only to tell the cowboys to stop singing; accompanied by putting his hands over his ears), playing with his stuffed animals (direct quote: “What? Yes! I’m Super bear! {starts singing} Super bear, Super bear!”), and displaying the ability that some of his play tools have to actually work in one way or the other (I’m posting pictures of some of that below).
This Week in Pictures:

Bonus Video: Sorry about the noise in the background…I had the car running. Next time I’ll know to turn off the car, but here’s a video of Joseph singing along to one of his favorite Primary songs: Army of Helaman: