Weekly Happenings: This past week was what I call a “bookend” week. We had fun stuff happening at the beginning and the end, but the middle was rather average. Our Primary program was this past Sunday. Joseph’s part was: “From the temple we get blessings and are together forever.” He had practiced it enough times that he actually had it memorized (which we didn’t realize until he got up and said it right into the microphone with his typical confidence). It sure did my momma-heart proud. I love that little boy!! Monday was Halloween. Paul took Joseph around the neighborhood while I stayed home to hand out candy. Joseph got his bucket filled and then told Paul that he wanted to help me pass out candy, so they headed home. I knew we were going to get a lot of trick-or-treaters, but the number really surprised me. We had two huge bags of candy, which were gone within a matter of a couple of hours. This was with me giving each kid just a couple of pieces of candy…as in TWO pieces of candy each. One funny thing was that Joseph was quite the stickler about the candy. He knew I had said only two pieces of candy, so he made sure to count out two pieces to give each kid. He was also wary about repeat kids. There were quite a few Captain Americas, Iron Mans, etc. and I had to reassure him quite a few times that it wasn’t the same kids coming around. He’d say, “Are you sure? I think I saw him already!” Once Halloween was over, we had a typical week. Joseph probably would have felt the post-holiday let-down a bit more (he is always a bit bummed when decorations come down) but luckily he still had something to look forward to: the Stake Father-Son camp out on Friday. He’s known about it for about a month or so and has been looking forward to it quite a bit. Luckily the weather barely held it together. Paul had a back-up plan of camping in the living room and toasting marshmallows over the BBQ, but they were able to actually go. The interesting thing is that the camp ground is literally in the middle of town. It’s still a big camp ground, but it is definitely in an urban area. Paul got home from work, they packed up, and headed off. They got back yesterday morning and Joseph said that they had a great time. After they got all unpacked and Paul got a shower, we went and rented a U-Haul truck so that Paul could go pick up the insulation, plywood sheets, and some 2X4s to insulate the shed with and start forming some bracing for shelves he’s going to put in (his plan is to use part of it as storage for holiday decorations). A neighbor helped him unload the truck and then we returned it. We then went out to eat for lunch and went to the mall to walk around (and Joseph wanted to spend some of his allowance at the LEGO store). It was a pretty fun day.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been a bit varied. We’ve had clear days and rainy days. Thankfully, the temperatures have dropped just a bit, making it feel slightly more fall-ish. It’s a typical start to a Texas November.
What Paul’s Been Up To: School, work, and progressing with his office. His goal is to have it done this month so that we can have a bit of time in December to do some more prep for Abigail’s impending arrival.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Chauffeuring Joseph to and from school, teaching piano, running errands, and trying to take it easier at times. There were a couple of days that I was really feeling rotten (a lot of pressure, a little rise in my blood sugar, etc), but I upped my water intake and tried to rest more. Thankfully it seems to have passed (I’m still drinking extra water and trying not to push myself too much), but I’m still planning on talking to my doctors (I have two appointments tomorrow) just to make sure everything is okay. We only have 7.5 weeks left until my due date, so it sort of feels like the final count down.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s been really into drawing as of late. I think he draws more than he plays with toys (with the exception of his LEGOS). This morning he actually woke us up at 6:30 saying that his tummy was hungry Did I mention Daylight Savings Time ended last night? It must have felt like 7:30 to him. I guess he did technically let us sleep in.
This Week in Pictures: A bookend week deserves bookend photos, so here’s two from the beginning of the week and two from the end.