Drying Out for a Bit and Some Outside Fun

Well, it finally stopped raining (for the time being…we do have more rain in the forecast for next week). Once things dried out a bit (even on dry days, it takes a bit for the ground to be less muddy), we ventured out to do some fun things: playing in the back yard, going to the park, and going for a zoo trip today. We were able to let Abigail loose at the zoo and she did great listening and not running off. It was awesome! One funny story about her: At the end of her baths, I always tell her that she can play until all the water is gone…so she always gets a cup full of water and waits until all the rest of the water in the tub is gone before she gives me a mischievous look while holding her cup full of water. She always looks a little bummed when I tell her she has to empty her cup. Smart yet sassy girl! In other news, Joseph is really enjoying being back in school. He says it’s much better than trying to learn remotely from home. He’s also been able to choose a prize out of the prize box for good behavior/staying on task, which has been a highlight of his week (his teacher recently started this with the in-person learners and loaded the prize box with different toys that are good for hands that need to be kept busy…which are toys that he loves, so it’s a win-win).

As I took a moment to put my feet up, I couldn’t help but be struck by how much I love this view. I’m so grateful for my home and country! 🏡❤️🇺🇸
These two sillies on May 4th (also known as Star Wars day because people jokingly say “May the Fourth be with you”).
Trying to get Abigail to hold still for a picture is a challenge.
There! We did it!
Hello from the other side of the camera!
I. Love. Our. Back yard.
Dr Pepper floats are yummy!
“Shooting” me with bubbles.
Coming in for her close-up. 😉
Chasing down the bubbles…
Sorry for the finger placement in all of these, haha. I was holding the bubble gun and trying to take pictures all at the same time.
She decided the spider needed some hair. 🙂
Tomato progress: there are a bunch down here…
…and some more up here!
I took the kids to the park on Thursday. They had a blast playing with this tube where they could talk to each other. A few minutes after this, friends showed up, which was even better!
Little sister game is ON POINT.
I felt like my table decor needed a little bit more definition to break it up. Before, I had the fabric and then a square place mat that was made up of small wooden squares, with the milk jug and candlesticks all on top of that. It was cute, but it felt a little…flat.
Even though the tray is also flat, I think the sides make it so that it’s a little more defined. Plus, I love the metal accents and rustic feel.
The dinosaurs are still at the zoo!
Abigail loved it when they would move.
Abigail was also happy that the butterfly wall was still there.
Sitting on the hippo statue.
I almost got them to both look at the camera at the same time!
Sharing a bucket of popcorn.
I forgot to take a picture of our new entryway light. I like that it isn’t the cheap builder globe anymore. You can’t tell from the picture, but the light bulbs are the old-fashioned looking Edison bulbs. The glass has a little bit of a crackle finish, which I really love.

2 thoughts on “Drying Out for a Bit and Some Outside Fun

  1. I love your backyard too!
    Abigail sounds like a smart negotiator.
    Congratulations to Joseph going back to school 👏

  2. Backyard is wonderful! So is the view from the front door!
    Abigail sounds like a real negotiator and congratulations to Joseph for getting back to school👏

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