Weekly Happenings: We had quite the fun-filled week. I got my visiting teaching done, which meant that Joseph got quite a few play-dates in. We also hosted the music playtime at our house, which Joseph loved. Paul had the day off on Friday, so we went to the zoo. It was a little more crowded than we were expecting (there were quite a few school groups there for field trips), but we still had a good time. Yesterday we mostly hung around the house to have a relaxing day.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been kind of ping-pongy. We had quite a few days of sunshine, but the last few were rainy (though still warm and humid). The next week or so is supposed to be similar. We welcome the rain!
What Paul’s Been Up To: On top of full-time work and scouts, Paul found time to finish up the tomato area of our garden. He planted the tomatoes all along the fence line with plans to get a trellis to tie them to as they got taller. Then I found out that one of my friends was getting rid of some metal trellis-type material. I brought it home and Paul said that it would work out just as well, so he stapled it to the fence. He also discovered that our resident toads are back, looking for water, as usual. We encourage their presence since they keep the scorpion population in check (though, for the record, we’ve only seen one scorpion so far this year, which is drastically less than last year).
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’m still trying my best to stay one step ahead of our very active two-year-old. I also had my first performance as choir director. It went pretty well, I have to say. It helps knowing that people (choir and congregation alike) know that people are put into callings to learn and grow, so they consequently don’t expect perfection.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: The “crash, bang, boom” title came from today’s happening. Joseph started going down the stairs and then somehow fell the rest of the way. All Paul and I heard was a big tumble and then crying. Luckily, no bones were broken and he came out of it with just a few bumps and scratches. Other than that, he’s been his regular silly, sweet self. One thing he likes to do is put a pair of socks on his hands and call them his mittens. He also has been more thoughtful when saying prayers. He’ll add in things like being thankful for Momma and Daddy, church, temples, his cars, and his blocks.
This Week in Pictures: