Weekly Happenings: Well, we made it another week! This past week was pretty average. Work, school, and home. Paul did take Friday off because on Saturday he was planning on attending PAX (a gaming convention here in town). Friday he did all of his Saturday stuff, including taking Joseph to get a haircut. Other than that, it was just a day-in-day-out type of week.
The Weekly Weather: Most of the week it was warm enough to not even need sweatshirts. The end of the week and the weekend was colder, but it’s supposed to get back up into the 70s before too long.
What Paul’s Been Up To: Mostly work, school, and Scouts. The other night, he had to call the sheriff because our neighbors decided to start fighting at one in the morning. Because it was a big group and they were yelling and actually physically fighting, Paul decided to call 911 instead of the non-emergency line. The sheriff deputies arrived in less than 10 minutes. There was one more burst of fighting after the deputies left, but not as bad as the first. We haven’t heard a peep out of them since then. Hopefully they learned to keep themselves calmer and not to disturb neighbors during the wee sma’s of the morning.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Basically keeping my two tiny humans alive and happy. I did manage to take both of them to the grocery store yesterday, all by myself, and nobody was too much worse the wear. I feel a small sense of accomplishment.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: Mainly school and homelife. We did go and get him a bigger bike when we realized that his balance bike was way too small for him. Even though we would normally wait for his birthday or Christmas, both just passed, and we didn’t want him to have to wait that long (it is only January, after all).
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s been focusing a bit better on faces and has been smiling more. It’s been a fun bit of progress with her.
This Week in Pictures: