Another Birthday, Yummy Food, A Lost Tooth, Sunsets Galore, and a Fun-Filled Day
This past week held some fun and eventful events. We celebrated Paul’s birthday, Abigail lost another tooth, and I was able to take the kids out for a fun outing to the Kiddie Park and the zoo while Paul did some things around the house. I took a billion pictures of different sunsets I saw on my walks, and experimented with some new recipes with delicious results.
Food experiment #1: I used my roll dough recipe as the base for breakfast pockets. I put some cheese, scrambled eggs, and pre-cooked sausage in the center of some dough that I rolled out……pulled the dough up over the filling, sealing it really well……put it on a sheet pan……and baked them.They turned out really good!When we discovered this loose tooth, it reminded her of her first loose tooth, which got knocked out when she bonked her tooth against her cup. She then told me that she needed to go find something to bonk this loose tooth out, too. I told her it would be a better idea to just wiggle it…which she did pretty much non-stop until it fell out the next day. Sunset #1: I love the contrast between the sky and the clouds!My walk was hot (I forgot my hat…boo), but at least the sky was pretty!Food experiment #2: I made cheesy cornbread muffins to go along with some scrambled eggs. They were pretty tasty!Sunset #2: I loved the way these clouds were so swirly!Sunset #3: I wish this captured just how golden the clouds were…Sunset #4: Can you spot the airplane? I’m pretty sure it was military, since it was all gray. Probably getting in some hours of flight practice.Sunset #5: I love when it takes up all of the sky. Daddy requested pie for his birthday. Marie Callander’s to the rescue! We got him a stand for his rifle and a Bowie knife. This is what made me decide to take the kids out while Paul worked. She was ALL ready to help Dad. At the Kiddie Park. It’s a very small amusement park (I think there’s less than 15 rides). It first opened in the 1920s and still has all original rides. It’s geared towards smaller kids, so they can go on all the rides by themselves. Joseph was such a good sport…even though he’s a bit old for it (this will be the last time I have him come along), he put on a good face.Abigail had a ball, though. The spaceship ride is a favorite.Joseph probably rode it three times (it was the one that was the best fit for a kid his age).The boats are always fun.The airplanes were a hit for Abigail, too.I had a hard time finding her in the bus…she’s up towards the front, so you can only see part of her face.A kid-sized Ferris wheel!She kept yelling, “Hi, Mom!”I was just glad it was fully enclosed. We went on the Ferris wheel at Knott’s Berry Farm a couple years ago and she kept trying to get out…mid-air. :/ This was much better!The carousel!Scrunchy nose!There’s the smile!Joseph opted to sit in a bench.I had to get a picture of this part of the carousel. It really is from 1918, so it’s a few years older than the Kiddie Park itself.The sign for the Kiddie Park. I love the lettering (I’m pretty sure it’s also original).We were surprised to see Halloween stuff already out at the zoo.The jelly fish! They have different black lights that shine in there so the jelly fish “change” color.More Halloween decor!The hippos were napping.Cuddled up on the train.This is a bridge that goes over the San Antonio river, which is right next to the zoo. I love the architecture!