This past week held some interesting weather: it was muggy, overcast, and just…blah for most of the week. Then on Thursday, we had a craaaaaazy couple of storms come through. We got more rain than the ground knew what to do with. Friday morning was interesting. The school had power, but no Internet or phones. I joked with the kids that it was like we were back in the 80s. They were not amused, haha. We persevered with working through worksheets I had, but luckily the Internet started working before too long. Then last night, we had even more storms with more rain. I’m grateful for it (even if the thunder startled me bad enough early this morning that I almost peed my pants, haha) because Texas really needs it!
In other news, state testing is coming up, along with some fun ways to help the kids review, practice, and relax right before the tests. We’re doing one test a week for the next three weeks. It’s goingto bean adventure, for sure!